Councillor Daly, the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Energy & Climate Change, introduced report ES/1936 which related to the North Falls Offshore Wind Farm.
East Suffolk Council (ESC) would be directly involved as a statutory consultee on a number of energy related Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs). The examination process for applications when submitted to the Planning Inspectorate was very tight in terms of timescales for the submission of representations and responses, requiring the Council to have the ability to act very swiftly to enable full engagement in the process and represent the views of the council and local communities.
Councillor Daly guided attendees of the meeting through a presentation which was shared online and for those in the room.
The presentation summarised that:
The extension project to the existing 504MW Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm
The North Falls was located 42km offshore - approximately 90km2 (illustrated yellow on map).
Northern array abandoned due to offshore site constraints and SLVIA impacts on Suffolk and Essex Coast and Heaths National Landscape (formerly SCHAONB).
There would be up to 71 wind turbines – 397m tall.
Onshore connection was proposed at Lawford in Tendring, Essex.
DCO would include offshore connection options - potentially with the NGET SeaLink subsea cable reinforcement project between Suffolk to Kent – due to connect at Friston, East Suffolk.
The North Falls application for development consent was expected to be submitted in July 2024.
ESC was not the host authority – no NSIP infrastructure proposed in district.
ESC was a statutory consultee with a responsibility to respond to the relevant submissions to represent our view as the Local Authority.
ESC had been engaging in DCO pre-application process for Seascape and Landscape Visual Impacts (SLVIA) anticipated on the Suffolk and Essex Coast and Heaths National Landscape (formerly SCHAONB).
Councillor Langdon-Morris queried if there was infrastructure in place already regarding the options of going onshore at Tendering or at another location.
Councillor Daly responded that the North Shore Coordination Strategy invites applicants such as those discussed to come in on the Offshore Coordination Scheme. Northfalls have shown and interest which is why it had been left it open to connect up on the offshore vision.
Councillor Whitelock advocated for the residents of Friston who continue to be negatively impacted by the work and future plans for work in the village and echoed the sense of desperation that residents feel.
Councillor Daly agreed with Councillor Whitelock and confirmed that in meetings they had questioned the need to potentially loop connections along the coastline rather than going directly to the end point.
Councillor Jepson queried what the options were to provide influence.
Councillor Daly stated that the role was within the consultation to advocate for the area and local communities. There was more for some and less for others. Regarding the item in question the emphasis was on minimising the visual impact and making sure the plans were clear and feedback could be provided on issues such as looping connections back into the area and coming onshore.
Councillor Byatt questioned if there was a mathematical grid which stated how far out you have to go and if there was a limit on how large the structures could be constructed in the future.
Councillor Daly responded that the technology supporting the turbines was fascinating and projected that there would come a point where there would be dis-economies of scale. Councillor Daly was not sure where there was a maximum size. Regarding the visual impact, participation in conversations would continue to ensure the Council’s voice was heard.
Councillor Candy offered her support and added that her home residence overlooked the offshore wind farms from where she lived and she believed it to be a necessary part of the energy structure for the future.
On the proposition of Councillor Daly, seconded by Councillor Hammond it was unanimously
That Cabinet:
1. Supported the position to not object to the North Falls project with a radial connection to Essex providing the offshore turbines do not have a significant impact on the Essex and Suffolk Coast and Heaths National Landscape but to also continue to support offshore coordination which reduces/minimises the extent of onshore infrastructure.
2. Delegated powers to the Head of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Planning Projects, in consultation with the specific Cabinet Member(s), to act on behalf of the Council in all activities associated with the examination and post examination/consent phases of the project including the signing of any legal agreements/side agreements/memorandum of understandings.