Shareholder Reference Group

The Shareholder Reference Group (SRG) was established in September 2022 by the Cabinet to perform the Council’s role as shareholder and owner of its companies.


The SRG supports the development of the companies and ensures that they are compliant with the Council’s wider strategic objectives and that they are fit for purpose and represent best value for the Council and residents.


The SRG consists of the Leader of the Council and four Cabinet Members:   

Councillor Caroline Topping

Leader of the Council (Chair)

Councillor Paul Ashton

Cabinet Member with responsibility for Corporate Services - Digital, Customer Services, HR and Assets (Vice-Chair)

Councillor Toby Hammond

Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economic Development and Transport

Councillor Vince Langdon-Morris

Cabinet Member with responsibility for Resources and Value for Money

Councillor Sally Noble

Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Environment



The SRG meetings are held in public and are broadcast via YouTube. In exceptional circumstances, the SRG may, by law, exclude members of the public from all or part of a decision-making meeting. There are various reasons that the SRG, on occasions, has to do this and examples are because a report contains information relating to an individual, information relating to the financial or business affairs of a particular person or information relating to any consultations or negotiations.


Shareholder Reference Group meeting dates and agendas