The Cabinet

The Council appoints the Leader of the Council and the Leader then appoints a Cabinet (including a Deputy Leader). A Cabinet can consist of up to ten places and each individual Cabinet Member is designated specific areas of responsibility (their portfolio).


The Cabinet ordinarily makes decisions collectively but individual Cabinet Members also have decision-making powers. 


Cabinet meeting dates and agendas


The specific areas of responsibility for each portfolio are listed below


Portfolio Areas of responsibility Cabinet Member
Leader of the Council

Community Partnerships - Implementation

Council Policy and Strategic Finance

Council performance


Member Development

Consultation and Parish Liaison

Legal and Democratic Services


Councillor Caroline Topping

Assitant Cabinet Member:

Councillor Seamus Bennett

Deputy Leader and Corporate Services - Digital, Customer Services, HR and Assets

Customer services and complaints

Information technology (IT)

Digital transformation

Information governance and data protection

Assets and property services

Human resources (HR)


Councillor Paul Ashton


Communities, Culture, Leisure

and Tourism






Young People / Apprentices / Youth Council

Theatre and arts

Councillor Sarah Whitelock


Assistant Cabinet Member:

Councillor Katie Graham



Community Health

Health and wellbeing


Food and safety

Port Health

Health promotion / NHS

Emergency planning

Community Safety


Councillor Jan Candy


Assistant Cabinet Member:

Councillor Lee Reeves




Housing Stock

Tenant Services

Building Services

Housing Development

Private Sector Housing




Councillor David Beavan




Economic Development and Transport

Economic development


Growth and skills

Enterprise zones

Transport and infrastructure

Car parks

Rights of way


Councillor Tim Wilson



Assistant Cabinet Member:

Councillor Dan Clery



Energy and Climate Change


Joint Environmental Sustainability Policy

Green agenda


Councillor Tom Daly



Planning and

Coastal Management

Development Management

Building Control

Local Plans

Conservation and Design

Planning Policy

Coastal Management

Coastal Partnership East


Councillor Kay Yule


Assistant Cabinet Member:

Councillor Stephen Molyneux



Resources and Value for Money

Financial Compliance and Planning

Medium Term Financial Strategy

Council Tax and Business Rates

Payables and Purchasing

Capital Programme

Treasury Management

External Audit

Welfare Reforms

Anglia Revenues Partnership (ARP)

Audit and Risk Management

Counter Fraud


Councillor Vince Langdon-Morris




The Environment

Environment protection

Pollution control

Waste management


Countryside management

Environmental partnerships


Councillor Sally Noble


Assistant Cabinet Member:

Councillor Rachel Smith-Lyte