Councillor Noble, the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Environment gave her apologies for the meeting. This item was presented by Councillor Daly, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Energy and Climate Change.
Councillor Daly, the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Energy and Climate Change introduced report ES/2112 which related to the consultation on the proposed revocation of the Suffolk Coast District Council Air Quality Management Area Order No. 3, 2014 located in Stratford St Andrew. Councillor Daly read out the background to the report which referred to the introduction of the Local Air Quality Management regime introduced in 1995 and the need for Local authorities to declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) where any of the AQS objectives are exceeded and subsequently set out the measures they intend to put in place to secure compliance with the AQS objectives through an Air Quality Action Plan. Monitoring of the air pollutant nitrogen dioxide had commenced in 2011 on the A12 at Little Glemham, Farnham and Stratford St Andrew. Additional monitoring was undertaken on the A12 in Stratford St. Andrew which confirmed the exceedance at Long Row. All other locations monitored on the A12 were within the AQS objective. Monitoring has continued since then and the 2023 data confirmed the overall downward trend in concentrations within the AQMA and provides 4 years of data outside of 10% of the objective (<36μg/m3), noting the exceptions of Covid19 in 2020-21. Following DEFRA advice the following guidance was provided. “The Air Quality Action Plan for this AQMA is due to be updated, for which Defra have granted an extension until 31/12/24. Following confirmation of the 2023 results for this AQMA, the intention to proceed with the revocation process was accepted by the Steering Group on 30/04/24 and a revocation assessment report has been prepared. ESC must now either revoke this AQMA by 31/12/24 or provide an updated Air Quality Action Plan.”
Councillor Candy questioned, due to the volume of Sizewell traffic on the roads, whether monitoring should increase rather than be removed. Councillor Daly clarified that the revocation related to the DEFRA act only and air quality monitoring would continue at sites in Stratford St Andrew for the foreseeable future to ensure that any unexpected upwards trends in pollutants were responded to.
The Environmental Protection Officer confirmed that although the order would be removed, the diffusion tube monitoring equipment would remain in place and monitoring would continue to take place. It was DEFRA who had confirmed the need for revocation. They added that modelling as part of the Sizewell C has identified a potential slight increase in the early years when traffic flow is still passing, however it wouldn’t reach 40µg/m3 which was the Air Quality Strategy (AQS) objective. The Chair clarified the difference between the monitoring equipment;- cubes and diffusion tubes, with the diffusion tubes monitoring vehicle emissions rather than air born aggregate dust.
Councillor Candy asked if the Government were saying there wasn’t going to be any increase in poor emissions because of Sizewell C. The Environmental Protection Officer confirmed they wouldn’t go into specifics, the standard is was 40µg/m3 and the levels fall below 10% of that so 36µg/m3 or below for a 3 year period, then you would have to look at revocation. They confirmed that the levels were there at a district and county level currently.
Councillor Whitelock suggested careful/sensitive handling of communications to the public making it clear that it wasn’t an East Suffolk Council choice, but something that was being done due to DEFRA expectations. The air monitoring data should be regularly published on social media channels and a leaflet for every letter box along the affected stretch was requested/suggested. The Environmental Protection Team were reviewing what information they put out as they realise it wasn’t being found easily by the public.
Councillor Daly emphasised the importance of keeping on top of the impact from Sizewell C, as there would be lots more lorries, necessitating a review of where the lorries would be and monitoring of those pinch points. It was anticipated that 92% of the Sizewell fleet would be Euro 6 standard.
In response to a question from Councillor Candy, it was confirmed that the modelling that had taken place had added in all new traffic from NSIP developments.
The Environmental Protection Officer referred to East Suffolk Council’s Air Quality Strategy which was currently being reviewed and this would look at the air quality as a whole across the entire district, following the more targeted modelling the Air Quality Strategy would be updated. It was re-emphasised that no equipment would be removed, monitoring would continue and anything of concern would be identified.
Councillor Ashton noted that DEFRA’s resource needed to be focused on the highest priority areas, and if this was not in East Suffolk that was positive. There was still uncertainty regarding the impact of idling traffic near Yoxford as all lorries from North/South and Park and Ride buses would congregate at Yoxford. Councillor Ashton suggested the air quality data was published regularly via Social Media etc to demonstrate transparency and be open and honest. He supported the recommendation but asked that monitoring and publicity happened quickly. Councillor Daly clarified that the recommendation was to approve the commencement of a formal consultation.
In response to Councillor Langdon-Morris regarding real time monitoring of particulates across the District, the Chair confirmed that ESC had invested in the cubes so the data would be shared.
Councillor Byatt referred to the heavy transport and the timescales for completion of the bypass and the term short term and was pleased that particulates were being looked at as they were hidden dangers for all. The Environmental Protection Officer confirmed that the timescales from the Steering Group for the bypass to be opened was end of 2026 and short term referred to the period from now until that point.
On the proposition of Councillor Daly, seconded by Councillor Wilson it was
That Cabinet:
1. Approved commencement of formal consultation seeking views on revocation of the Suffolk Coastal District Council Air Quality Management Area Order No.3, 2014 located at Stratford St. Andrew
2. Following the formal consultation, provided Delegated Authority to the Head of Environmental Services and Port Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Environment, to consider consultation responses, liaise with Defra, and make the final decision with regard to the Revocation Order.