Councillor Yule, the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management introduced report ES/2068 which related to CIL Funding Bids 2024-25, the updated CIL Spending Strategy and the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023-24.
Councillor Yule outlined several projects which benefitted from the CIL as outlined the report.
The Chair thanked the CIL working group and Supporting Officers for the work they do.
Councillor Candy requested information regarding the ring-fenced money for education.
The Head of Planning and Coastal Management outlined that the infrastructure funding statement which was published every year. It provided the infrastructure needs of the district. Both local plans had a strong infrastructure understanding underpinning them and had an infrastructure delivery plan at the back of them which was annually reviewed.
There was a big education component included. The team meet with the County Council on a monthly basis to review where the needs are coming from and what the capacities and requirements for expansion were. The County Council had been asked to think longer term to ensure that the money can be ringfenced and planned for in advance. It was anticipated that there would be some larger education projects coming forward in the next few years.
There was discussion regarding the CIL money being separate from East Suffolk Council’s budgeting process and the potential opportunities to use CIL funding for some young people focused projects and initiatives.
The Chair advised that it was down to local communities to bid to the CIL working group for funding. Contact was made with town and parishes providing details on how much money there was available.
Councillor Yule added that there had been Parish Forums, and most are well versed in CIL spending. If any parish council needed further information or training, it could be provided.
Councillor Yule highlighted that the working group were looking for good business cases to be put forward for funding requests.
The importance of play spaces was highlighted and CIL could be used for both district owned play facilities and town and parishes who wish to improve sites or initiate projects.
The Head of Planning and Coastal Management outlined that when CIL was collected the main amount of it would be district CIL which would be used in the main for essential infrastructure projects. When a town or parish council had a neighbourhood plan in place before planning permission was granted, 25% of the money received would go to the town or parish council and that was called neighbourhood CIL. If there was no neighbourhood plan then 15% would go to the town and parish.
Local CIL was a term established in East Suffolk, which complimented the neighbourhood CIL. If there was projects with neighbourhood CIL investment and some district CIL was requested, it would fall within the scope of Local CIL.
There was a discussion regarding local health provision and the challenges of getting match funding from local Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).
Chief Executive Officer advised that East Suffolk Council was involved in a variety of governance arrangements with ICBs and various boards. There were complexities to GP surgeries and them being individual businesses. Lobbying continued to give consideration longer term strategic plans for surgeries and the delivery of primary care.
The red flagged projects were aligned with the delivery of growth to local plans and would be implemented over the next 15 / 20 years.
On the proposition of Councillor Yule, seconded by Councillor Whitelock it was unanimously
That Cabinet:
1. Approved the recommendations of the CSWG within the CIL spending Report and to approve funding for the District CIL bid projects proposed to support the planned new housing developments across the East Suffolk area.
2. Noted the ringfencing of £13m District CIL by the CIL Spending Working Group to secure Health and Education projects proposed to be delivered in the 5-year period.
3. Approved the CSWG recommended amendments to the CIL Spending Strategy, namely:
a) The new annual allocation of 3% of the financial year District CIL receipts to create a new Local CIL Play Fund (for funding of play park improvement projects in areas of growth, in line with the existing allocation criteria of Local CIL Bids - £50k max match funded projects).
b) For the CSWG to approve the requested sums for forward funding of Neighbourhood CIL allocations, subject to officer verification and recommendation to a maximum value of up to £1m. (including the required updated Terms of Reference to clarify and update the CIL Spending Strategy to provide for annual reporting on this to Cabinet)
c) The addition to the Strategy of new actions to ensure the ongoing review of ringfencing needs and affordability from CIL is considered across future years and to include the reporting of ringfenced sums to Cabinet.
4. Approved the draft Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023-24 (Appendix C) for publication, subject to minor amendments to be approved through the Chair of the CIL Spending Working Group/Cabinet Member for Planning. Publication to be made by 31 December 2024 statutory deadline.