Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
4 Jun 2024 - 18:00 to 19:11
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Meeting Details

Members are invited to a Meeting of the Cabinet

to be held in the Deben Conference Room, East Suffolk House, Melton,

on Tuesday, 4 June 2024 at 6.00pm.


This meeting will be broadcast to the public via the East Suffolk YouTube Channel at

Open To The Public
1 Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence, if any.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Whitelock and Councillor Noble.
2 Declarations of Interest

Members and Officers are invited to make any declarations of interests, and the nature of that interest, that they may have in relation to items on the Agenda and are also reminded to make any declarations at any stage during the Meeting if it becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is considered.

There were no Declarations of Interest made.
3 Announcements
To receive any announcements.

There were no announcements made



4 pdf Minutes (175Kb)
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 7 May 2024.

On the proposition of Councillor Hammond, seconded by Councillor Ashton it was 



That the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 May 2024 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 

Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management.

Councillor Kay Yule Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management introduced report ES/1967 which related to Healthy Environments Supplementary Planning Document.


East Suffolk has two Local Plans, the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan and Waveney Local Plan, which contain planning policies to deliver built environments that support the physical, mental and social health and wellbeing of communities through use of planning and design approaches which:


Encourage and enable people of different ages, 
Levels of ability and incomes to engage more in healthy behaviours 
Lifestyles, and to engage more with their community
Improve the quality of living environments by providing high levels of Environmental          protection and designing for high levels of residential amenity.

The Healthy Environments SPD covers the following topics: green infrastructure, active travel, healthy key buildings (homes, schools and workplaces), healthy centres and community facilities, healthy neighbourhoods (‘lifetime neighbourhoods’), and Health Impact Assessments. 


The appendices include a glossary, a list of helpful design prompts included at the end of each topic chapter, a note on the Health Protocol and, a list of the key external guidance documents.


The Healthy Environments Supplementary Planning Document has been developed to support the implementation of the key planning policies and address common issues related to these policy areas. Once adopted the SPD will be a material consideration when determining applications.


The preparation of the SPD had been undertaken through an officer steering group and had involved officers from the following teams: Planning Policy, Development Management, Specialist Services (Design, Ecology and Landscape), The Suffolk and North East Essex ICB, The Norfolk & Waveney ICB, Public Health (Suffolk County Council), Leisure Operations, Environmental Protection, and Communities. The preparation of this SPD had also been overseen by the Local Plan Working Group.




An initial consultation to inform the scope and content of the SPD was carried out between 26th September to 7th November 2022. In total 19 individuals and organisations responded to the consultation. The responses received informed the preparation of a draft document. The second consultation was on the Draft Healthy Environments SPD, which ran from 15th November 2023 until 10th January 2024. In total 21 individuals and organisations responded and made 116 comments. Various changes were made to the SPD to address the comments received.


It was noted that the document at Appendix C (The Equality Impact Assessment for the SPD) had been updated, as an incorrect version had previously been published. The correct document is available under ‘Meeting Documents’ on CMIS.

There were no questions from Cabinet Members. 


Councillor Gooch stated it was a great document with excellent work. It was important to highlight the issues impacting the most vulnerable community members.


Councillor Yule added that it was important there was a document to look at the physical and mental wellbeing of residents living in such environments. 


Councillor Yule thanked the Officers and the Local Plan Working Group for their work. 


On the proposition of Councillor Yule Seconded by Councillor Candy it was unanimously 




That Cabinet: 


1. Adopted the Healthy Environments Supplementary Planning Document. 


2. Authorised the Head of Planning and Coastal Management, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Coastal Management, to make any presentational or typographical amendments to the Healthy Environments Supplementary Planning Document prior to it being published. 

Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economic Development and Transport.

Councillor Toby Hammond Cabinet member with responsibility for Economic Development and Transport introduced report ES/1968 which related to Revised ESC Local Discretionary Rate Relief Policy.


The report set out East Suffolk Council’s (ESC) revised Local Discretionary Rate Relief (LDRR) policy. The purpose of the policy was to provide the Council with a flexible incentive when encouraging business investment into the district. 


The policy was originally adopted in 2016 and the revision reflected the priorities within the Council’s new Strategic Plan – Our Direction 2028 and particularly the Thriving Economy theme. Specifically, the amended policy sought to more explicitly encourage investment from businesses engaged in environmentally positive activities to further position East Suffolk as a hub for low carbon and environmentally positive business. 


The report set out the revised criteria for considering LDRR applications and the governance in place to ensure robust decision making which supports the delivery of the Council’s strategic plan ambitions.


Councillor Jepson queried if there could be any legal challenge. 


Councillor Hammond advised that there was discretion in the Localism Act which covered the policy. The Head of Economic Development and Regeneration also confirmed that had been checked out and was ok. 


Councillor Langdon-Morris added that the reference was on PG430, 1.1 under localism act about taking the decision as a Council.


Councillor Daly supported the recommendations and advised it was important to take these steps. 


Councillor Hammond thanked the officers and the Head of Economic Development and Regeneration for their work.


On the proposition of Councillor Hammond, Seconded by Councillor Daly it was unanimously




That Cabinet 


1. Approved the revised Local Discretionary Rate Relief policy which more strongly aligns with Our Direction 2028

Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing.

Councillor Beavan, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Housing introduced report ES/1969 which related to the Supplementary Housing Statement and Suffolk Landlords Booklet (Houses in Multiple Occupation).


The report proposed that the joint Suffolk Handbook for Landlords guidance document for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) was adopted to provide guidance to applicants seeking to invest in multiple occupied dwellings in the East Suffolk area. It was also proposed that the Supplementary Housing Statement (Houses in Multiple Occupation) is adopted to support existing guidance and inform Planning decisions affecting the creation of HMOs within East Suffolk Council’s area, taking into consideration the appropriate factors contained within the Statement.


Councillor Beavan outlined the importance of the booklet. 


 There were no questions from Cabinet Members or Members in person or online.


 On the proposition of Councillor Beavan Seconded by Councillor Yule it was unanimously




That Cabinet:


1. Adopted  the Supplementary Housing Statement (Houses in Multiple Occupation)


2. Adopted the joint Suffolk Landlords Booklet for Houses in Multiple Occupation


3. Delegated authority to the Head of Housing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, to update the Supplementary Housing Statement (Houses in Multiple Occupation) as necessary to reflect changing information (on rental prices and availability of rental rooms, for example)

Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for The Environment.

Councillor Smith-Lyte Assistant Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Environment introduced report ES/1970 which related to the UK100 membership. 


Councillor Smith-Lyte outlined that tackling climate change was a big challenge that needed East Suffolk to work together with other local authorities, other organisations and local communities. 


The UK100 was a cross-party membership organisation that was set up to help councils go further and faster to deliver net zero and improve air quality. 


Being a member of UK100 would help engage East Suffolk with national politicians and senior officials across Whitehall, amplifying the voice of local communities.


To become a member of UK100 the Leader publicly would sign the UK100 pledge, which is included in the papers of the meeting. 


It was noted that East Suffolk had already committed to more ambitious targets as a council and as a county to those set out in the pledge:


Councillor Langdon-Morris queried if there was access to additional funding from signing up to the pledge. 

The Lead Officer for Climate Change and Environment responded that green finance was not specifically in the remit of the UK100. However, funding would be a big topic of conversation going forward and being a part of the conversation was important. 

There were no further questions from other members present or online.

Councillor Daly moved the recommendations adding that it was a positive step forward and it would be advantageous to work in partnership with other organisations. 


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Topping signed the pledge.


On the proposition of Councillor Daly, seconded by Councillor Langdon-Morris it was unanimously




That Cabinet: 


Agreed to join the UK100 network and sign East Suffolk Council up to the UK100 pledge.

Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing.

Councillor Beavan, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Housing introduced report ES/1971 which related to the Tenant Engagement Strategy Consultation Launch.


The purpose of the Tenant Engagement Strategy 2024-2027 was to solidify the commitment to nurturing inclusive and vibrant communities. 


The strategy was aligned to ‘Our Direction 2028’, ESC’s strategic plan, focusing on tackling equalities, fostering thriving economies, and developing sustainable housing and communities. 


The strategy also responded and encompassed legislative changes and enhancements stipulated in the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023. The regulatory standards we must adhere to are, inclusive tenant consultation, tenant involvement, access to information, tenant empowerment and obligations to promote transparency, accountability across Housing and broader ESC. 


The strategy aimed to facilitate / demonstrate meaningful interactions, transparency, and collaborative decision-making with residents, partners, businesses, and the community and voluntary sector. By understanding diverse perspectives and empowering every voice.

The approach was crucial in addressing key challenges such as rapid population growth, ageing populations, increased service demands, persistent high levels of deprivation, and declining local government resources over the next five years. Through leveraging technology and innovative approaches, the expectation is to aspire to strengthen community connections and enhance well-being through targeted initiatives, partnerships, and inclusive events.


There were no questions from Cabinet Members. 


Councillor Jepson queried how the consultation would work for other areas of the district. 


The Head of Housing stated that it was predominantly focused on the north of the district at that time. There would different methods of engagement for the south. 


Councillor Jepson followed up if there was a benefit to working with registered social landlords. 


Councillor Beavan responded that it was a good idea and something to be considered. 


The Head of Housing added that there had been scoping from other areas look explore best practice opportunities with the intention to align with the strategic aims of Our Direction.


Councillor Langdon-Morris stated that he liked the idea of enhanced community engagement and offered his support to the recommendations. 


Councillor Beavan agreed adding that it was important to ask tenants their views and be proactive in gaining feedback. 


On the proposition of Councillor Beavan, seconded by Councillor it Langdon-Morris it was unanimously 




 That Cabinet: 


1. Approved the draft Tenant Engagement Strategy 2024-2027, subject to consultation.


2. Approved the commencement of a 12-week consultation period on the draft Tenant Engagement Strategy with any amendments proposed to the Strategy resulting from the consultation to be reviewed and, where considered appropriate, made by the Strategic Director with Responsibility for Housing and the Head of Housing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing.

Report of the Leader of the Council.

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Caroline Topping introduced report ES/1973 which related to Appointments to Outside Bodies for 2024/25 (Executive).


This report contains recommendations about Appointments to Outside Bodies for 2024/25 (Executive), for the 2024/25 municipal year.  The Cabinet appoints annually to a wide range of diverse outside bodies; some appointments are made because of a statutory requirement to appoint one or more Cabinet Members to them; most appointments are discretionary taking into consideration how representation adds value.  Appointment of Cabinet Members provides support to the organisation concerned and enables Cabinet Members to fulfil their community leadership roles.  Cabinet Members appointed are able to work with and alongside various groups, helping to empower them in terms of addressing local issues and delivering sustainable solutions.


Appendix A to the report provides all of the nominations to the Executive Outside Bodies.


There were no questions from Cabinet Members. 


Councillor Jepson added that it would be useful for Members to have the opportunity to sit on groups that they might have a particular interest or skillset in. He provided the example of the Police Crime Panel and queried if there was a mechanism to explore more flexibility in who can be allocated seats. 

The Leader, Councillor Topping responded that there was a challenge to Suffolk County Council and the Police Crime Panel regarding the political proportionality and numbers of seats available. Suffolk County Council took the Conservative spaces which left East Suffolk with the directive to allocate a GLI and Liberal Democrat place. Due to the requirement to be politically proportionate there was no movement on that position. 


The Chair highlighted the skills audit and re-enforced that she wanted to put the right people in the right places and support members who had interests in certain areas.


Councillor Jepson responded that he respected the process and was frustrated that there were members who were passionate about certain interests and wanted to offer their time.


The Chief Executive confirmed that there had been discussion and negotiations with Leaders across the County to look at the political proportionality of Outside Bodies. It was not possible to negotiate further regarding the Police Crime Panel at that time. 

There were no further questions.

Councillor Ashton added that the intention of the administration was to recognise that East Suffolk was a Council of 55 Members, and there was a desire for collaboration. All members were there to serve the people of the district and they would like everyone to have opportunities to contribute and participate. 


On the proposition of The Leader of the Council, Councillor Topping, seconded by Councillor Ashton it was unanimously




That Cabinet approves: 


1. That Councillors be appointed to those (Executive) Outside Bodies listed in Appendix A for the 2024/25 Municipal Year. 


2. That the Leader of the Council be authorised to fill any outstanding vacancies left unfilled by the Cabinet. 


3. That the Leader be granted delegated authority to make any necessary changes to 
the membership of the (Executive) Outside Bodies for the remainder of the 2024/25 Municipal Year. 

11 Exempt/Confidential Items

It is recommended that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.     

It is recommended that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.     
12 Exempt Minutes
  • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
13 East Suffolk Housing Pathway
  • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
  1. ES-1974 East Suffolk Housing Pathway
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
    • Information that is likely to reveal the identity of an individual.
    1. ES-1974 Appendix A
      • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
    2. ES-1974 Appendix B
      • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
14 Housing Maintenance Procurement
  • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
  1. ES-1976 Housing Maintenance Procurement
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

Meeting Documents

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Officers present: Chris Bally (Chief Executive), Chris Bing (Head of Legal and Democratic Services), Kate Blakemore (Strategic Director), Heather Fisk (Head of Housing), Lorraine Fitch (Democratic Services Manager),  Phil Harris (Strategic Communications and Marketing Manager), Teresa Howarth (Strategic Lead – Private Sector Housing), Andy Jarvis (Strategic Director), Nick Khan (Strategic Director), Fern Lincoln (Strategic Lead – Housing Needs), Paul Mackie (Lead Officer - Environment and Climate Change), Jasmin Machen (Planner (Policy and Delivery)), Dickon Povey (Principal Planner (Policy and Delivery)), Alli Stone (Democratic Services Officer), Paul Wood (Head of Economic Development & Regeneration), Ben Woolnough (Head of Planning & Coastal Management)