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Business Item
East Suffolk Cycling and Walking Strategy
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 4 Oct 2022
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
To recommend the adoption of the East Suffolk Cycling and Walking Strategy (Strategy).
Service Area
Planning & Coastal Management
Service Area 2
Not Applicable
Contact for Background Papers:

Anthony Taylor

Senior Planner (Policy and Delivery)

Background Papers:
See attached report.
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made

1. That the East Suffolk Cycling and Walking Strategy, attached as Appendix A to report ES/1291, be adopted.


2. That the Head of Planning and Coastal Management, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management, be authorised to make any presentational or typographical amendments to the East Suffolk Cycling and Walking Strategy prior to it being published.


3. That the East Suffolk Cycling and Walking Strategy be presented to Full Council for its information and to ensure Full Council is informed of the Strategy’s importance to the district.

Reason for Decision
Adoption of the Strategy provides up to date cycling and walking infrastructure recommendations across the entire East Suffolk area, serving as the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for East Suffolk, and will assist with the implementation of the Council’s Local Plan policies which relate to sustainable transport and site allocations.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
To not adopt the Strategy and continue with the adopted Waveney Cycle Strategy (2016) and without a cycling and walking strategy for the former Suffolk Coastal area.
Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Aldeburgh and Leiston; Beccles and Worlingham; Bungay and Wainford; Carlford and Fynn Valley; Carlton and Whitton; Carlton Colville; Deben; Eastern Felixstowe; Framlingham; Gunton and St Margarets; Halesworth and Blything; Harbour and Normanston; Kelsale and Yoxford; Kesgrave; Kessingland; Kirkley and Pakefield; Lothingland; Martlesham and Purdis Farm; Melton; Orwell and Villages; Oulton Broad; Rendlesham and Orford; Rushmere St Andrew; Saxmundham; Southwold; Western Felixstowe; Wickham Market; Woodbridge; Wrentham, Wangford and Westleton


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 5, items 1 to 10 of 41.
16/09/2022 15:06:17Matt MakinBusiness Item Created 
16/09/2022 15:06:17Matt MakinCommittee AddedCabinet
16/09/2022 15:06:17Matt MakinMeeting Added04/10/2022 6:30PM
16/09/2022 15:06:42Matt MakinWard AddedAldeburgh and Leiston
16/09/2022 15:06:42Matt MakinWard AddedBeccles and Worlingham
16/09/2022 15:06:42Matt MakinWard AddedBungay and Wainford
16/09/2022 15:06:42Matt MakinWard AddedCarlford and Fynn Valley
16/09/2022 15:06:42Matt MakinWard AddedCarlton and Whitton
16/09/2022 15:06:42Matt MakinWard AddedCarlton Colville
16/09/2022 15:06:42Matt MakinWard AddedDeben


No history found.