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Business Item
Transfer of Property in St James South Elmham
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 3 Nov 2020
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
That Cabinet approves the transfer of the land shown in the plan at Appendix B together with access across the land shown edged in brown to St James South Elmham Parish Meeting for nil consideration subject to  an overage agreement retaining 85% of any uplift in value on the grant of planning consent for any development for a period of 40 years.
Service Area
Housing Operations & Landlord Services
Service Area 2
Contact for Background Papers:

Angus Williams


01502 523352 

Background Papers:
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made
That the transfer of the land shown in the plan at Appendix B of report ES/0547 together with access across the land shown edged in brown to St James South Elmham Parish Meeting for nil consideration subject to  an overage agreement retaining 85% of any uplift in value on the grant of planning consent for any development for a period of 40 years be approved.  
Reason for Decision
The proposed transfer delivers positive outcomes in accordance with the East Suffolk Strategic Plan.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

1. To sell the property at the Market Value. The Parish Meeting are not in a position to purchase the property at the Market Value.  Were the Council to sell to a private individual the public use of the land may be challenged by the new owner which could deny the public the use of an important area for recreation.


2. It would be possible for ESC to retain the freehold interest in the land. Both a short and long lease were considered, which would leave the Council with the liability for the land on the reversion of any lease, but the Parish Meeting preferred to take the freehold interest. 


3. To retain the property and deny the Parish Meeting any involvement.  This would deliver none of the positive outcomes listed above and leave the Council responsible for the maintenance of this land. 

Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Bungay and Wainford


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 15.
22/10/2020 14:41:57Matt MakinBusiness Item Created 
22/10/2020 14:41:57Matt MakinCommittee AddedCabinet
22/10/2020 14:41:57Matt MakinMeeting Added03/11/2020 6:30PM
22/10/2020 14:42:27Matt MakinWard AddedBungay and Wainford
22/10/2020 14:42:38 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/0547)
22/10/2020 14:42:38Matt MakinStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
22/10/2020 15:02:14Matt MakinReport AddedDocument ID 7505: ES-0547 Transfer of Property in St James South Elmham
03/11/2020 19:12:12Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
04/11/2020 09:17:18Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
04/11/2020 14:34:39Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 


No history found.