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Business Item
East Suffolk Council Engagement During the Development Consent Order Process for ScottishPower Renewables East Anglia One North and East Anglia Two Offshore Windfarm Proposals
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 7 Jan 2020
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economic Development
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
To consider a joint response from East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council as part of the DCO process for the ScottishPower Renewables East Anglia One North and East Anglia Two Offshore Windfarm Proposals.
Service Area
Planning & Coastal Management
Service Area 2
Not Applicable
Contact for Background Papers:
Background Papers:
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made

1. That the Head of Planning and Coastal Management in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economic Development be granted authority to fully engage with the Pre-examination and Examination stages of the Development Consent Order process in relation to EA1N and EA2 offshore wind farm projects. This will include:
a. Submission of Written Representations to expand upon the Relevant Representation where necessary,
b. Submission of Statements of Common Ground between the applicant and the Council,
c. Attending/authorising technical officers to participate at Preliminary Meetings/hearings/accompanied site visits,
d. Responding to Examining Authority’s questions and requests for further information,
e. Commenting on other interested parties’ representations and submissions as appropriate,
f. Signing planning obligations if required.
g. Any other requirements not yet identified.

2. That the Head of Planning and Coastal Management in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economic Development be authorised to make amendments to the draft Relevant Representation and early draft Local Impact Report as agreed with appropriate representatives of this Council prior to their submission to PINS. 

3. That following agreement by the Cabinet of East Suffolk Council, the draft Relevant Representation set out in Appendix A and summarised below, subject to any agreed amendments, be submitted to PINS. 

4. That PINS be informed by the Relevant Representation that East Suffolk Council recognises the national benefit these projects will bring in meeting the renewable energy targets and creating sustainable economic growth in Suffolk provided this is achieved without significant damage to the local built and natural environment, local communities and tourist economy. Notwithstanding this, the Council has significant concerns on the following matters:
a. Landscape and Visual Effects
b. Noise
c. Design and Masterplan
d. Traffic and Transport
e. Seascape and Visual Effects
f. Cumulative Impacts
g. Measures to address residual impacts of the projects

The Council also has concerns or wishes to make representations in a number of additional areas which have been outlined below:
a. Socio-Economic Impacts
b. Heritage
c. Air Quality
d. Public Rights of Way
e. Flood Risk
f.  Ecology
g. Coastal Change
h. Archaeology
i.  Construction Management

East Suffolk Council is supportive of the principle of offshore wind development, recognising the strategic need for zero carbon energy and the contribution the industry can make to sustainable economic growth in Suffolk. This must however be achieved without significant damage to the environment, local communities and tourist economy of East Suffolk. The projects as designed to date will result in significant impacts as set out above, particularly in relation to the environment around the substation site and significant effects on the designated landscape. Based on the current submissions East Suffolk Council objects to the overall impact of the onshore substations and raises significant concerns regarding the significant effects predicted from the offshore turbines on the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB. 

5. That following agreement by the Cabinet of East Suffolk Council, the early draft Local Impact Report set out in Appendix B, subject to appropriate amendments, be submitted to PINS by the relevant deadline. 

6. That this Council continues to engage with SPR to identify means by which the impact of the proposals can be mitigated and/or compensated if the developments do take place and seek appropriate s106 agreements to secure the necessary mitigation and/or compensation.

7. That Cabinet notes the continued work with Government, namely MHCLG and BEIS with regards to the cumulative impacts on East Suffolk of the numerous energy projects existing and forthcoming. 

Reason for Decision
It is important for East Suffolk Council to be able to be proactive and reactive on very short timetables throughout the DCO process particularly during the six-month examination section where the ability to respond quickly to questions raised by the Examining Authority (PINS) is essential. Delegated Authority is therefore being sought to facilitate the ability to fully engage with the pre-examination and examination stages of the DCO process. This is inline with the recommendations set out in PINS Advice Note 2 states:

“During the examination there will be numerous deadlines for local authorities and other interested parties to submit further representations. These often require swift responses to ensure all matters can be fully explored before the close of examination”.

“A local authority will therefore need to ensure it has appropriate delegations in place. There is unlikely to be time to seek committee approval for representations made by a local authority during the examination. In general terms a local authority must assume that it won’t be possible for the examination timetable to be structured around its committee cycle” (paragraph 12.3).

The recommendations also present the Council’s proposed position heading into the Examinations on the EA1N and EA2 offshore wind farm projects based on the published documentation in relation to the applications. 
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Alternative options were considered in the early stages of proposals but at this stage we are presented with the proposals, it is not for us to consider alternative options to that provided by SPR in their proposals. 

Cabinet may wish to consider a different stance on some of the issues raised in the draft Relevant Representation or early draft Local Impact Report.
Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Aldeburgh and Leiston; Carlton Colville; Gunton and St Margarets; Harbour and Normanston; Kessingland; Kirkley and Pakefield; Lothingland; Rendlesham and Orford; Southwold; Wrentham, Wangford and Westleton


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 3, items 1 to 10 of 26.
20/12/2019 09:48:27Matt MakinBusiness Item Created 
20/12/2019 09:48:27Matt MakinCommittee AddedCabinet
20/12/2019 09:48:27Matt MakinMeeting Added07/01/2020 6:30PM
20/12/2019 09:49:58Matt MakinWard AddedAldeburgh and Leiston
20/12/2019 09:49:58Matt MakinWard AddedCarlton Colville
20/12/2019 09:49:58Matt MakinWard AddedGunton and St Margarets
20/12/2019 09:49:58Matt MakinWard AddedHarbour and Normanston
20/12/2019 09:49:58Matt MakinWard AddedKessingland
20/12/2019 09:49:58Matt MakinWard AddedKirkley and Pakefield
20/12/2019 09:49:58Matt MakinWard AddedLothingland


No history found.