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Business Item
Joint Coastal Projects Board
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 7 Sep 2021
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
That Cabinet approves the formation of a single Joint Coastal Project Board to provide scrutiny and guidance to the three on-going projects in Corton & Gunton, Pakefield and Thorpeness. This will be an executive group with no financial/budgetary responsibilities but would provide recommendations to Cabinet at relevant stages in each project’s progress. The Joint Coastal Project Board would comprise of Members covering the interests of the coastal communities involved. It is suggested that the following Members would constitute the Board’s make-up, supported by senior officers:
Cllr David Ritchie; Cllr Mary Rudd; Cllr Keith Patience (representing Lowestoft Town Council); Cllr Peter Byatt; Cllr Tony Cooper; Cllr Russ Rainger; Cllr Tom Daly.
Service Area
Planning & Coastal Management
Service Area 2
Not Applicable
Contact for Background Papers:

Sharon Bleese

Coastal Manager (South) 

Background Papers:
See attached report.
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made
That the formation of a single Joint Coastal Project Board be approved to provide scrutiny and guidance to the three on-going projects in Corton & Gunton, Pakefield and Thorpeness. This will be an executive group with no financial/budgetary responsibilities but will provide recommendations to Cabinet at relevant stages in each project’s progress. The Joint Coastal Project Board will comprise of Members covering the interests of the coastal communities involved. It is agreed that the following Members would constitute the Board’s make-up, supported by senior officers:
Cllr David Ritchie; Cllr Mary Rudd; Cllr Peter Byatt; Cllr Tony Cooper; Cllr Russ Rainger; Cllr Tom Daly.
Reason for Decision
The implementation of the formation of a Joint Coastal Project Board will support the Project Team in ensuring that critical pathways are met, and progress is made through the project stages in a timely manner. Meeting those critical pathways is vital in ensuring that the right actions and options are identified. Each of the projects have vulnerable, eroding frontages. Homes and businesses are at risk and that risk heightens each winter. It is therefore essential that we move forward swiftly with identifying options that are technically feasible, environmentally sounds and economically possible.

It may not always be possible to defend eroding frontages. Adaptation pathways may need to be explored. Long-term master-planning may be a sensible approach. Options development as part of a project structure benefits from the scrutiny and challenge of a robust governance structure.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

The formation of three separate Project Boards, covering the project areas. 

No Project Boards are formed for these project areas and governance is restricted to the main project team, community steering groups and overview from the Suffolk Coast Forum members. 

Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Councillor Rivett declared a Local Non Pecuniary Interest, as the  Suffolk County Council Councillor for which the area related, and having been involved in some of the project work to help protect the  coast. 
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Aldeburgh and Leiston; Gunton and St Margarets; Kirkley and Pakefield; Lothingland


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 3, items 1 to 10 of 25.
18/08/2021 11:10:27Nicola WottonBusiness Item Created 
18/08/2021 11:10:27Nicola WottonCommittee AddedCabinet
18/08/2021 11:10:27Nicola WottonMeeting Added07/09/2021 6:30PM
18/08/2021 11:10:39 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/0869)
18/08/2021 11:10:39Nicola WottonStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
18/08/2021 11:11:52Nicola WottonWard AddedEastern Felixstowe
18/08/2021 11:11:52Nicola WottonWard AddedGunton and St Margarets
18/08/2021 11:11:52Nicola WottonWard AddedKirkley and Pakefield
26/08/2021 10:17:34Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
26/08/2021 10:26:44Matt MakinWard AddedAldeburgh and Leiston


No history found.