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Business Item
Neighbourhood Plans - Bredfield; Kesgrave; and Reydon
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Philip Ridley
Date of Decision
Wed 26 May 2021
Show on Forward Plan
The Council made the decision to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Coastal Management, acting in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management, to make the neighbourhood plans subject to a positive outcome at the referendum. The Council’s decision requires the delegated decision to be evidenced by a delegated officer decision notice. This decision notice acts as that evidence.
Matter for Decision (to consider...)

The three neighbourhood plans for Bredfield; Kesgrave; and Reydon have been prepared by their respective communities and have been through several rounds of consultation as well as an examination carried out by an independent examiner. In each case the examiner recommended that the plan proceeds to a referendum. The referenda were held on the 6th May 2021 and each plan passed successfully.

At the meeting on 5th May 2021, the Council took the decision to grant delegated authority to the Head of Planning and Coastal Management, acting in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management, to make the neighbourhood plans subject to a positive outcome at the referendum. This decision needs to be evidenced by an Officer Delegated Decision Notice. Accordingly, I set out my decision to make the three neighbourhood plans for Bredfield; Kesgrave; and Reydon in this decision notice.

Service Area
Planning & Coastal Management
Service Area 2
Not Applicable
Contact for Background Papers:

Dickon Povey, Principal Planner (planning policy and delivery), (01502) 523043,

Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made

In light of the above, I, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management, have decided to make the three neighbourhood plans for Bredfield; Kesgrave; and Reydon using the authority delegated to me by the Council at its meeting of 5th May 2021.

Reason for Decision

Making the three neighbourhood plans using the delegated authority allows the Council to make the plans in the most efficient, timely way and also provide the greatest benefit to the community by allowing the plans to be applied in full at the earliest opportunity.

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

At the meeting of 5th May, the Council considered the option of waiting until after the referenda results had been announced before taking the decision to make the plans. However, the neighbourhood planning regulations require a neighbourhood plan to be made within 8 weeks of a successful referendum and the next scheduled meeting of the Council would fall outside this period. This option would conflict with the neighbourhood planning regulations and therefore was not taken up.

Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Not applicable.
Any Dispensation Granted
Not applicable.

Decision Criteria

Delegated Officer Decision


Carlford and Fynn Valley; Kesgrave; Southwold; Wrentham, Wangford and Westleton


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

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This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 13.
12/05/2021 13:15:49Dickon PoveyBusiness Item Created 
12/05/2021 13:15:49Dickon PoveyWard AddedCarlford and Fynn Valley
12/05/2021 13:15:49Dickon PoveyWard AddedKesgrave
12/05/2021 13:15:49Dickon PoveyWard AddedSouthwold
12/05/2021 13:15:49Dickon PoveyWard AddedWrentham, Wangford and Westleton
12/05/2021 13:15:49Dickon PoveyDecision Criteria AddedDelegated Officer Decision
20/05/2021 10:45:48Katherine AbbottGeneral Details Edited 
20/05/2021 10:46:02 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/0764)
20/05/2021 10:46:02Katherine AbbottStatus ChangedImplemented [7]
20/05/2021 10:51:49Katherine AbbottStatus ChangedPending [0]


No history found.