Council Decisions

East Suffolk Council has 55 elected councillors who meet at Full Council and sit on a range of committees to listen to residents’ views and make decisions about life in East Suffolk. The Council has a Leader and Cabinet that make all the major decisions. The Cabinet consists of nine councillors, with each Cabinet Member having responsibility for a different area, known as a portfolio.


When major executive decisions, known as Key Decisions and/or exempt decisions, are to be discussed or made these are published in the Cabinet’s Forward Plan. The Council itself makes decisions on the budget and the overall policies of the Council. The Council’s Constitution sets out the criteria for a Key Decision.


Delegated Decisions

The Constitution delegates authority to the Cabinet to make decisions about the day to day running of the Council within an agreed Budget and Policy Framework, and these decisions are taken at Cabinet meetings or by individual Cabinet Members. The Constitution also delegates certain decisions to be made by authorised officers.


Decisions taken by Cabinet and individual Cabinet Members are not implemented immediately. The decision is recorded along with the reasons for the decision, any alternatives considered and rejected, any relevant interests of members, any dispensations granted, and the expected implementation date for the decision. 


The decision is published for five clear working days before being implemented. During these five days the decision can be "called in" to be scrutinised by the Scrutiny Committee.


Decision Reports

Reports supporting the decisions taken by Full Council and its Committees, Cabinet, Cabinet Members and authorised officers are published on the Council's website. 


Reports for decisions taken by Full Council, Cabinet, Committees and Sub-Committees are also published with the agenda for the meeting where the decision was made.


You can review the current status of any Council decision since 1 May 2019, and any reports linked to them, using the decisions table below. Please note that the details of non-executive decisions are not added to business items, but can be viewed in the minutes of the meeting where the decision was taken.


Council decisions prior to 1 May 2019


Business ItemDecision TypeStatusMeeting Dates
 Page 1 of 19, items 1 to 10 of 183.
East Suffolk Council Compliance and Enforcement PolicyCommitteeImplemented
  • Cabinet - 6 Feb 2024
Endorsement and adoption of the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan 2023-28CommitteeImplemented
  • Cabinet - 6 Feb 2024
General Fund Budget and Council Tax Report 2024/25CommitteeImplemented
  • Cabinet - 6 Feb 2024
Capital Programme 2023/24 to 2027/28CommitteeImplemented
  • Cabinet - 6 Feb 2024
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget Report 2024/25 to 2027/28CommitteeImplemented
  • Cabinet - 6 Feb 2024
Southwold Harbour Management Committee - Budget 2024/25CommitteeImplemented
  • Cabinet - 6 Feb 2024
2023/24 Quarter 3 Financial Performance ReportCommitteeImplemented
  • Cabinet - 6 Feb 2024
The Suffolk Coast Business Plan 2024-27CommitteeImplemented
  • Cabinet - 6 Feb 2024
Application for Taxi Fare Increase for the south of the DistrictCommitteeImplemented
  • Cabinet - 6 Feb 2024
DC/23/4456/FUL - Briar Cottage, The Green, Walberswick, IP18 6TTCommitteeDecision Proposed
  • Planning Committee North - 13 Feb 2024