Councillor Smith-Lyte the Cabinet Member with responsibility for The Environment introduced report ES/1756 which related to the Environment Task Group – Quarterly Update.
Councillor Smith-Lyte outlined that the group has been re-established with a collaborative cross group full of members passionate about the environment. A wide range of topics were being considered. The group were looking forward to bringing recommendations to Cabinet in the future as well as receiving tasks from Cabinet.
There were no questions from Cabinet.
Councillor Byatt thanked Councillor Smith-Lyte and the team for the report and noted there were a number of matters considered for discussion. Councillor Byatt highlighted that it would be good to know the timelines for the work programme.
Councillor Byatt also highlighted the task and finish group established from the recent Full Council motion and that the two groups should link with each other.
Councillor Byatt queried if the previous motion for the Ocean would be brought back for consideration. It was appreciated the motion was from the previous administration.
Councillor Smith-Lyte thanked Councillor Byatt for raising the questions and would take it to the next meeting for review.
Councillor Jepson sought clarity on the areas being considered, direction and what action the group would be taking.
Councillor Jepson highlighted a previous motion brought by Councillor Smith-Lyte in 2019 regarding Citizen Assemblies, and queried if that would come under lobbying.
Councillor Smith-Lyte stated that Citizen Assemblies were not strictly about lobbying and they were something she continued to feel passionately about. Citizen Assemblies were complicated to implement correctly. Councillor Smith-Lyte reflected that the group started with a massive wish list of important areas to look at and they have been working on reducing these to a more focused list. But recognised this was a huge area to consider, with so much to do.
The Leader stated that the group needed to be a deep dive task and finish group, rather than a lobbying group.
Councillor Jepson responded that he was not entirely convinced about the direction of the group and queried what the group would be focussed on, what an action plan would look like and hoped that after the next meeting there would be clearer perspective.
Councillor Yule stated there were Community Partnerships (CPs) in place and wondered if there was a link to be made to include a topic on an agenda for discussion at a CP.
Councillor Smith-Lyte responded to state that a Community Partnership would be one part of it. However the idea of Citizen Assemblies you hear from experts, however the people in the room are randomly selected to be there and drew comparison to the jury service system to highlight her point.
Councillor Candy responded to Councillor Jepson’s point to state that the group were trying to address topics with great clarity and form a clear way forward.
Councillor Langdon-Morris highlighted point H in the report which was to consider the best ways of engaging the key partners of the council on environmental issues. Councillor Langdon-Morris highlighted the excellent work set up by Councillor Mallinder regarding weeds and bees. He felt it could do with a tweak, and if the Environmental Task Group could give a clear steer to Parish Councillors on how parks are managed. That would include involving them in the allocation process of areas for re-wilding and which areas should be left, as there can be clashes between Parish Councillors and the public.
Councillor Langdon-Morris stated that this would reduce the amount of mowing that would need to be done. This would have time and cost saving implications.
The Leader requested some rebranding, guidelines and a steer on increasing community engagement regarding the rewilding (Pardon the Weeds) scheme from the Task and Finish group.
Councillor Langdon-Morris supported the rebranding and highlighted the support that could be offered to Parish councillors in liaising with the public to understand park management more comprehensively.
Councillor Byatt stated he would like to see Citizen Assemblies be discussed further. He wished to apologise if the impression was given that the Task and Finish Group were not making progress. There have been a couple of good meetings, with a direction which needs to tie into the Environmental Task Group.
Councillor Smith-Lyte added that she was aware there needed to be some rebranding and there were some ideas going around. The work of the previous group was being built on and recognised the need to support Parish Councils and public communications.
On the proposition of Councillor Smith-Lyte, seconded by Councillor Hammond it was
1. That the report from the Environment Task Group be accepted and approved.
2. That Cabinet confirms that the Group is to continue to deliver the task it was set.