Councillor Langdon-Morris Cabinet Member with responsibility for Resources and Value for Money introduced the report which related to the General Fund Budget and Council Tax Report 2024/25.
At the end of the 2024/25 budget process, the Council was required to approve a balanced budget for the following financial year and set the Band D rate of Council Tax. The report set out the context and initial parameters in order to achieve that objective and contribute towards a sustainable position for the next financial year.
The report brought together all the relevant information to enable Members to review, consider and comment upon the Council’s General Fund revenue budgets before making recommendations to Council on 21 February 2024.
On behalf of the Administration, Councillor Langdon-Morris thanked the Chief Finance Officer, the newly appointed Deputy Chief Finance Officer and wider team for their work and support in completing the work ready to bring to Full Council.
Councillor Langdon-Morris stated that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had reviewed the report and did not raise any issues. A balanced budget was being presented.
Councillor Langdon Morris talked through the circulated report in detail and provided some headlines which included the recommendation to increase to the referendum limit for 2024/25 for the Band D Council Tax to £186.57, which was an increase of £5.40 or 2.98%. The increase would generate approximately £0.492m of additional income for East Suffolk.
Councillor Langdon-Morris highlighted the recent emergency events regarding the winding down of COVID relief and the financial response required for flood relief in the district.
Councillor Langdon-Morris concluded to state that the 2024 / 2025 budget estimates were robust and considered known risks and mitigating strategies. The reserves were adequate for the 2024 / 2025 budget plan.
It was noted that Councillor Rumble left the meeting at 7:44pm.
Congratulations was offered to Councillor Langdon-Morris on his first budget report. There were a number of questions and speeches made by members in the chamber. These included Councillor Byatt who queried the Strategic Plan, reserves and how the themes were prioritised. Councillor Langdon-Morris responded to state that the funding was placed from earmarked reserves, was under discussion and could move over time.
Councillor Rivett congratulated the team and made a speech regarding the current financial climate and the previous administration for leaving the financial landscape of the Council in a strong position. Councillor Rivett outlined the Conservative group had examined the budget and noted there had been a conservative approach and much of it was unchanged from their approach. Councillor Rivett noted the spend profile over the next 5 years and the planned reduction of reserves from £48 million to £31 million.
Councillor Gandy requested specific East Suffolk figures be provided regarding indicators included in the referenced pages 44 and 45 of the report.
Councillor Langdon-Morris responded to state he would provide Councillor Gandy with a response outside of the meeting.
Councillor Daly thanked Councillor Langdon-Morris for the fully informative report and made commentary on elements which effected his portfolio.
Councillor Green referenced page 73 and regarding reputation and reference to ‘consulting widely’, Councillor Green queried who would be consulted. On page 188 there was reference to consultancy compliance requirements and queried the amount of the money against the budget point.
Councillor Langdon-Morris responded that there was an annual consultation process through the East Suffolk website. There were 192 responses, and it was hoped that would increase and more data would be collected.
The Chief Finance Officer responded regarding Councillor Green's second question, to state that it would be included in the Capital Programme Report which was next on the agenda.
Councillor Bennett referenced the Cycling and Walking Strategy and was pleased to note the commitment to support to begin to resource the strategy.
Councillor Deacon queried the reduction against the Port Health budget point.
The Chief Finance Officer responded that the Port Health staffing budget was in the report. A cost recovery position was being moved towards and there was uncertainty around the BTOM. The budget did include the staffing costs.
Councillor Ashton talked to his portfolio in a speech and answered a question from Councillor Smithson regarding the need for productivity, efficiency and given the medium-term nature of the budget why it was not being worked on presently. Efficiency work was taking place in Customer Services and within elements of IT systems at the Council. Improvements would continue to be explored regarding asset management which would continue to make efficiencies.
Councillor Parker referenced page 80 and the cost of training for the flood barrier and queried if there was opportunity to train people in-house.
Councillor Yule responded to state that it had been investigated it and at present the resources were not available. Work was ongoing to explore options.
Councillor Hammond congratulated Councillor Langdon-Morris for the report and made a speech relating to his portfolio. Councillor Hammond concluded to query the justification for regeneration costs of specific projects in the Lowestoft area, namely the Town Hall and Jubilee Parade work.
Councillor Langdon-Morris responded that the Town Hall regeneration was funded from the Town Fund and match funded from Central Government, with contribution from East Suffolk Council. Councillor Langdon-Morris offered his opinion that there was potential in Lowestoft due to the renewable energy sector in the town. He referenced the strategic vision of the previous administration to provide places for people to relax, live and work. Councillor Langdon-Morris concluded that a works were a continuation of the action already initiated.
Councillor Gooch questioned if there was a team working on the asset management rent review, queried if there was a strategy in place and if so, how was work being monitored.
Councillor Ashton responded to state that a team was working through the rent review. The team were working to catch up with tenancy agreements and rent reviews which had fallen behind schedule. It was approximated that rent had been increased by £200,000 and there was more financial gain to make. Councillor Ashton was confident there was now a professional approach to managing assets within East Suffolk.
Councillor Folley questioned what scrutiny East Suffolk could have regarding the Parish precept to ensure value for money and to know what funding was being spent on.
Councillor Langdon-Morris responded to state that he attends a number of parish council meetings and provides scrutiny to decisions made and expenditure taken.
The Chief Finance Officer added that scrutiny of parish work was within the parish areas, and it did not sit with the District Council.
Councillor Ewart requested towns such as Saxmundham and Leiston be referenced in future reports. Councillor Langdon-Morris noted the point made.
Councillor Topping congratulated Councillor Langdon-Morris, Councillor Wilson and the Finance team for the work they had done. Councillor Topping also offered thanks to the previous administration for the work they had carried out.
Councillor Wilson thanked the chamber for the attention this evening and referenced the reduction in reserves projected for the medium-term financial strategy. Councillor Wilson highlighted the work the team had carried out and in bringing the report to Council.
The vote was required to be a recorded vote. The Monitoring Officer conducted the vote and all Members present voted in favour of the General Fund Budget and Council Tax Report 2024/25.
Councillors present and voted ‘for’ were Councillor Ashdown, Ashton, Back, Beavan, Bennett, Byatt, Candy, Ceresa, Clery, Craig, Daly, Deacon, Dean, Ewart, Fisher, Folley, Gandy, Gee, Gooch, Graham, Green, Hammond, Hedgley, Jepson, Keys-Holloway, Langdon-Morris, Lynch, Molyneux, Ninnmey, Noble, Packard, Parker, Pitchers, Plummer, Reeves, Rivett, Scrancher, Smith-Lyte, Smithson, Speca, Starling, Thompson, Topping, Wakeling, Whitelock, Wilson and Yule.
That Full Council approve:
1. The 2024/25 General Fund Revenue Budget as set out in this report and summarised in Appendix A5 to the report and notes the budget forecast for 2025/26 and beyond;
2. The reserves and balances movements as presented in Appendix A6 to the report;
3. A proposed Band D Council Tax for East Suffolk Council of £186.57 for 2024/25, an increase of £5.40 or 2.98%;
4. That the following Council Tax premiums be applied, following the enactment of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill on 26 October 2023:
the 100% premium for properties which have been empty and unfurnished for a period of between 1 and 2 years from 1 April 2024, and the 100% premium for second homes from 1 April 2025; and
5. That the Chief Finance Officer and Section 151 Officer be granted delegated authority to implement the introduction of the additional Council Tax premiums.