Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Planning Committee South
28 Feb 2023 - 14:00 to 14:45
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Meeting Details

Members are invited to a Meeting of the Planning Committee South

to be held in the Deben Conference Room, East Suffolk House, Melton,

on Tuesday, 28 February 2023 at 2.00pm.


This meeting will be broadcast to the public via the East Suffolk YouTube Channel at

Part One - Open To The Public
1 Apologies for Absence and Substitutions
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Tony Cooper, Mike Deacon and Colin Hedgley.  Councillor Peter Byatt attended as Councillor Deacon's substitute.
2 Declarations of Interest

Members and Officers are invited to make any declarations of interests, and the nature of that interest, that they may have in relation to items on the Agenda and are also reminded to make any declarations at any stage during the Meeting if it becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is considered.

No declarations of interest were made.
3 Declarations of Lobbying and Responses to Lobbying
To receive any Declarations of Lobbying in respect of any item on the agenda and also declarations of any response to that lobbying.  
No declarations of lobbying were made.
4 pdf Minutes (270Kb)
To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 January 2023

On the proposition of Councillor Blundell, seconded by Councillor Bird, it was by a unanimous vote




That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 January 2023 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Report of the Head of Planning and Coastal Management

The Committee received report ES/1468 of the Head of Planning and Coastal Management, which was a summary of the status of all outstanding enforcement cases for East Suffolk Council where enforcement action has either been sanctioned under delegated powers up until 30 January 2023.  At that time there were 18 such cases.


The report was taken as read.  There being no questions to the officers, the Chairman sought a proposer and seconder for the recommendation to note the report's contents. 


On the proposition of Councillor Blundell, seconded by Councillor Daly, it was by a unanimous vote




That the outstanding enforcement matters up to 30 January 2023 be noted.

Report of the Head of Planning and Coastal Management

The Committee received report ES/1470 of the Head of Planning and Coastal Management, which related to planning application DC/22/1146/FUL.


The application sought planning permission for the construction of a detached bungalow on land adjacent to no.3 Pine Grove, Grundisburgh.  The referral process was triggered in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, set out in the East Suffolk Council Constitution, as the 'minded to' decision of the case officer was contrary to Grundisburgh Parish Council's recommendation to refuse the application.  The application was presented to the Referral Panel on Tuesday 31 January 2023 where it was concluded that the merits of the proposal warranted further debate at Committee.


The Committee received a presentation from the Planner, who was the case officer for the application.  The site's location was outlined and an aerial view of the site was displayed, demonstrating the cul-de-sac of two-storey detached dwellings.


The Planner shared photographs of the site demonstrating views looking north-west towards the western boundary of the site, looking back towards a recent two-storey development on Pine Grove, looking towards 3 and 4 Pine Grove, the northern boundary (demonstrating the changes in level), and from Lower Road towards the site.


The Committee was shown the proposed block plan, elevations and floor plans.


The recommendation to approve the application subject to conditions, set out in the report, was outlined to the Committee.  The Planner noted that officers were of the view that the application accorded with policy SCLP5.4 of the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan, relating to housing in clusters in the countryside.


The Chairman invited questions to the officers.  The Planner reiterated that officers were content that the proposed development accorded with SCLP5.4 and the site was within an existing cluster of housing in the countryside.  Regarding the definition of highway, the Planning Manager (Development Management, Major Sites and Infrastructure) explained that for the purpose of SCLP5.4, the highway does not have to be adopted providing that the public have a right to use it to access residential properties.


The Planner confirmed that the Highways Authority had not raised any objections to the application, including to the visibility splays from Pine Grove into Lower Road.  The Highways Authority had proposed several conditions which had been added to the recommendation as appropriate.


The Planner advised that Grundisburgh's settlement boundary was to the north of the application site.


The Chairman invited Mr Cobbold, the applicant's agent, to address the Committee.  Mr Cobbold suggested the proposed development was a modest one, outside of Grundisburgh's settlement boundary but in accordance with the Council's own policy on clusters of housing in the countryside.


Mr Cobbold described the site as being within a cluster of seven dwellings and considered that the development would be infilling within a built-up frontage in a clearly identified gap, with development on both sides and would not extend development further into the countryside.  Mr Cobbold noted that recently developed dwelling to the south of the site had been allowed on appeal and that the Planning Inspector, in their decision, had commented that Pine Grove was within walking distance to key services.


Mr Cobbold concluded that the proposed development would be suitable for either downsizing or a first home and the development had been amended to not impact on adjacent trees.  Mr Cobbold pointed out that there had been no objections from technical consultees and was of the view that the development accorded with local and national planning policies.


The Chairman invited questions to Mr Cobbold.  Mr Cobbold noted the recent changes to Building Regulations and the requirement for electric vehicle charging points, confirming that this would be adhered to.


The Chairman invited the Committee to debate the proposal.  Councillor Newton said that his main issues with the application had been addressed satisfactorily by officers during the meeting and was of the view that the application could be approved.


There being no further debate the Chairman sought a proposer and seconder for the recommendation to approve the application.  On the proposition of Councillor Newton, seconded by Councillor Bird, it was by a unanimous vote




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: This condition is imposed in accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


 2. The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out other than in complete accordance with the following approved drawing(s):

- 2021-03/201 (Proposed plans and elevations) received 23 March 2022;

- 2021-03/200 Rev. A (Site plan) received 20 September 2022;

- 2021-03/202 (Site location plan) received 23 March 2022.

- Arboricultural Impact Assessment (Ref: 9691) received 20 September 2022;

- Tree Protection Plan (Ref: 9691-D-AIA) received 20 September 2022.


Reason: For avoidance of doubt as to what has been considered and approved.


3. No development shall commence until details of the materials to be used for the approved dwelling's walls, roof, fenestration and rainwater goods have been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. Thereafter, the development shall be constructed using only the approved materials unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure the satisfactory appearance of the development in the interest of visual amenity.


4. The use shall not commence until the area(s) within the site shown on Drawing No. 2021-03/200 REV A for the purposes of manoeuvring and parking of vehicles has been provided and thereafter that area(s) shall be retained and used for no other purposes.


Reason: To ensure that sufficient space for the on-site parking of vehicles is provided and maintained to ensure the provision of adequate on-site space for the parking and manoeuvring of vehicles where on-street parking and manoeuvring would be detrimental to highway safety to users of the highway.


5. Before the development is commenced details of the areas to be provided for the secure, covered and lit cycle storage shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the development is brought into use and shall be retained thereafter and used for no other purpose.


Reason: To promote sustainable travel by ensuring the provision at an appropriate time and long term maintenance of adequate on-site areas for the storage of cycles in accordance with Suffolk Guidance for Parking 2019.


6. Before the development is commenced details of the areas to be provided for the storage and presentation of refuse and recycling bins shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the development is brought into use and shall be retained thereafter for no other purpose. 


Reason: To ensure that space is provided for refuse and recycling bins to be stored and presented for emptying and left by operatives after emptying clear of the highway and access to avoid causing obstruction and dangers for the public using the highway.


7. In the event that contamination which has not already been identified to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) is found or suspected on the site it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. No further development (including any construction, demolition, site clearance, removal of underground tanks and relic structures) shall take place until this condition has been complied with in its entirety.


An investigation and risk assessment must be completed in accordance with a scheme which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken by competent persons and conform with prevailing guidance (including BS10175:2011+A2:2017 and the Land Contamination Risk Management (LCRM)) and a written report of the findings must be produced. The written report is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.


Where remediation is necessary a detailed remediation method statement (RMS) must be prepared, and is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The RMS must include detailed methodologies for all works to be undertaken, site management procedures, proposed remediation objectives and remediation criteria. The approved RMS must be carried out in its entirety and the Local Planning Authority must be given two weeks written notification prior to the commencement of the remedial works.


Following completion of the approved remediation scheme a validation report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation must be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA.


Reason: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors.


8. No removal of hedgerows, trees or shrubs shall take place between 1st March and 31st August inclusive, unless a competent ecologist has undertaken a careful, detailed check of vegetation for active birds' nests immediately before the vegetation is cleared and provided written confirmation that no birds will be harmed and/or that there are appropriate measures in place to protect nesting bird interest on site. Any such written confirmation should be submitted to the local planning authority.


 Reason: To ensure that nesting birds are protected.


 9. The Arboricultural Impact Assessment (Ref - 9691), containing the Arboricultural Method Statement (Section 5.0) and Tree Protection Plan (Ref - 9691-D-AIA), submitted in support of the application shall be adhered to in full, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


 Reason: To protect the trees/hedgerow during the course of development in the interest of visual amenity. to avoid any irreversible damage to retained trees pursuant to section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and to protect and enhance the appearance and character of the site and locality, in accordance with Local Plan Policy SCLP10.4


 10. None of the trees or hedges shown to be retained on the approved plan shall be lopped, topped, pruned, uprooted, felled, wilfully damaged or in any other way destroyed or removed without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority. Any trees or hedges removed, dying, being severely damaged or becoming seriously diseased within five years of the completion of the development shall be replaced during the first available planting season, with trees or hedges of a size and species, which shall previously have been agreed in writing by the local planning authority.


 Reason: To safeguard the contribution to the character of the locality provided by the trees and hedgerow.


 11. Within 3 month(s) of commencement of development, precise details of a scheme of landscape works (which term shall include tree and shrub planting, grass, earthworks, driveway construction, parking areas patios, hard surfaces etc, and other operations as appropriate) at a scale not less than 1:200 shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


 Reason: To ensure that there is a well laid out landscaping scheme in the interest of visual amenity.


 12. The approved landscaping and planting works shall be implemented not later than the first planting season following commencement of the development (or within such extended period as the Local Planning Authority may allow) and shall thereafter be retained and maintained. Any plant material removed, dying or becoming seriously damaged or diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced within the next available planting season and shall thereafter be retained and maintained.


 Reason: To ensure the submission and implementation of a well-laid out scheme of landscaping in the interest of visual amenity.


 13. No development shall commence until a detailed method of construction statement has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. This statement shall set out hours of construction/activity on site, the location of parking areas for construction vehicles and delivery hours for materials and equipment to the site before and during construction. Thereafter the approved construction statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction of the development.


 Reason: To reduce the potential impacts of noise pollution and additional vehicular movements in this area of Pine Grove and Lower Road during the construction phase of the development.


 14. No development shall commence until full details of the proposed finished ground, floor, eaves and ridge levels, have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. These details shall be submitted in the form of spot heights on a block plan and on at least one cross section through the site and proposed dwelling. Thereafter the development shall be constructed in its entirety in accordance with the approved levels. (see informative 5)


 Reason: To ensure a satisfactory relationship between the proposal, the existing ground levels, the existing dwellings, and Lower Road in the interests of visual amenity.


 15. Notwithstanding the provisions of Class A of Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order re-enacting the Order with or without modification), no fences, gates or walls shall be erected unless otherwise agreed with the local planning authority.


 Reason: To enable the Local Planning Authority to retain control over such features in the interests of preserving the verdant nature of the locality. Due to the change in ground levels, any solid means of enclosure has the potential to be very prominent and negatively impact the visual amenity of the area, especially in views from Lower Road. 


 16. Notwithstanding the provisions of Class E of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order re-enacting the Order with or without modification), no outbuildings, enclosures, swimming or other pools or containers for domestic heating purposes shall be erected unless otherwise agreed with the local planning authority.


 Reason: To enable the Local Planning Authority to retain control over such features in the interests of preserving the verdant nature of the locality. Due to the change in ground levels, any solid means of enclosure has the potential to be very prominent and negatively impact the visual amenity of the area, especially in views from Lower Road. 




 1. The Local Planning Authority has assessed the proposal against all material considerations including planning policies and any comments that may have been received. The planning application has been approved in accordance with the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework and local plan to promote the delivery of sustainable development and to approach decision taking in a positive way.


 2. The applicant is advised that the proposed development may require the naming of new street(s) and numbering of properties/businesses within those streets and/or the numbering of new properties/businesses within an existing street.  This is only required with the creation of a new dwelling or business premises.  For details of the address charges please see our website or email


 3. The application site and/or adjacent land is sloping ground. As set out in the NPPF, the responsibility and subsequent liability for safe development and secure occupancy of the site rests with the developer and/or landowner. Although the Local Planning Authority has used its best endeavours to determine the application on the basis of the information available to it, this does not mean that the land is free from instability. It has been a material planning consideration of the Local Planning Authority in determining this application, however it does not imply that the requirements of any other controlling authority would be satisfied; in particular, the granting of this planning permission does not give a warranty of support or stability.


 4. The applicant is advised, that it is expected that the boundary around the rear garden/amenity space will be a planted boundary treatment, given the character of the locality. Such details could form part of the submission to discharge condition 11.


 5. The applicant is advised that it is expected that the details of levels required by Condition 14, are detailed relative to a recognised datum (i.e. OS Datum Newlyn) or to at least two relatively fixed points nearby that are unlikely to alter significantly during construction (e.g. the centre line of the carriageway on Lower Road).

Report of the Head of Planning and Coastal Management

The Committee received report ES/1471 of the Head of Planning and Coastal Management, which related to planning application DC/22/2984/FUL.


The application sought construction of one detached dwelling and garage at Woodside, Martlesham Road, Little Bealings, IP13 6LX.  The application was presented to the Referral Panel as officers had been minded to approve the application, contrary to Little Bealings Parish Council's objection.  The Referral Panel concluded that there were material planning considerations which warranted further discussion by the Committee.


The Committee received a presentation from the Senior Planner, who was the case officer for the application.  The site's location was outlined and the Committee was reminded that it had visited the site in 2022 in respect of another application.


The wider site context and cumulative impact was set out and the Senior Planner highlighted the planning history in the area.  The Committee was shown an aerial view of the site and aerial images looking directly into the site, to provide context with its surrounding environment.


The Committee received photographs displaying views looking east and west along Martlesham Road, looking south from Beacon Lane and looking into the site.  The Senior Planner highlighted that a previous application on the site, DC/22/1662/FUL, for the construction of two detached single storey dwellings, had been refused planning permission due to non-compliance with policy SCLP5.4 of the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan, relating to housing in clusters in the countryside.


The proposed block plan, floor plans, garage and site sections were displayed to the Committee.  The Committee was also shown three-dimensional images visualising how the street scene would look from the front and rear of the site.


The recommendation to approve the application subject to conditions, set out in the report, was outlined to the Committee.


The Chairman invited questions to the officers.  The Senior Planner highlighted the proposed visibility splays and explained that the applicant intended to remove some of the hedgerow in their ownership; it was confirmed that the Highways Authority had not objected to the application.


In response to a question on tree removal, the Senior Planner advised that the proposed conditions included the requirement for a soft landscaping plan, which would detail the mitigation for any planting loss as a result of the development.  The Senior Planner noted that some vegetation on the site had already been lost through site clearance but a mature tree adjacent to the site was not in the applicant's ownership and would therefore remain in place.


There being no public speaking on the application, the Chairman invited the Committee to debate the application that was before it.  Councillor Blundell said he was familiar with the site as it was adjacent to his ward and he recalled the site visit in 2022.  Councillor Blundell considered there was sufficient space on the site to accommodate the proposed development; he expressed some concern given the narrowness of Martlesham Road but acknowledged that the Highways Authority had not objected to the application.


There being no further debate, the Chairman sought a proposer and seconder for the recommendation to approve the application.  On the proposition of Councillor Bird, seconded by Councillor Byatt it was by a unanimous vote




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined below:


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: This condition is imposed in accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


2. The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out other than in complete accordance with Drawing No's 3005_050A, 3005-200A, received 18 January 2023, 3005_055A, 3005_056A received 09 January 2023, 3005-100A, 3005-101A, 3005-102A, 3005-300A, 3005-700A, 3005-701A, 3005-702A and 3005-703A received 30 November 2022.


Reason: For avoidance of doubt as to what has been considered and approved. 


3. The materials and finishes shall be as indicated within the submitted application and thereafter retained as such, unless otherwise agreed by the local planning authority.


Reason: To ensure the satisfactory appearance of the development in the interests of visual amenity


4. No other part of the development hereby permitted shall be commenced until the existing vehicular access has been improved, laid out and completed in all respects in accordance with DM01; and with an entrance width of 3 metres. Thereafter the access shall be retained in the specified form.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety to ensure that the layout of the access is properly designed, constructed and provided before the development is commenced.


5. The gradient of the vehicular access shall not be steeper than 1 in 20 for the first five metres measured from the nearside edge of the adjacent metalled carriageway.


Reason: To ensure that vehicles can enter and leave the public highway in a safe manner.


6. The access driveway shall be constructed at a gradient not steeper than 1 in 8.


Reason: To ensure that vehicles can enter and leave the public highway in a safe manner.


7. Prior to the dwelling hereby permitted being first occupied, the vehicular access onto the highway shall be properly surfaced with a bound material for a minimum distance of 5 metres from the edge of the metalled carriageway, in accordance with details previously submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


Reason: To secure appropriate improvements to the vehicular access in the interests of highway safety.


8. Before the development is commenced details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority showing the means to prevent the discharge of surface water from the development onto the highway. The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the access is first used and shall be retained thereafter in its approved form.


Reason: To prevent hazards caused by flowing water or ice on the highway


9. Before any development above slab level is commenced details showing an adequate car turning space within the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the development is brought into use and shall be retained thereafter and used for no other purpose.


Reason: To avoid unacceptable safety risk from vehicles reversing on highway by enabling vehicles to enter and exit the public highway in forward gear. This is a pre-commencement condition because it must be demonstrated that the development can accommodate sufficient turning space within the site before any construction makes this prohibitive and in the interests of highway safety.


10. Before any development above slab level is commenced details of the areas to be provided for the secure, covered and lit cycle storage including electric assisted cycles and details of the infrastructure to be provided for electric vehicle charging points shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the development is brought into use and shall be retained thereafter and used for no other purpose.


Reason: To promote sustainable travel by ensuring the provision at an appropriate time and long term maintenance of adequate on-site areas and infrastructure for the storage of cycles and charging of electrically assisted cycles in accordance with Suffolk Guidance for Parking (2019) and in the interests of sustainable travel provision and compliance with Local Plan Sustainable Transport Policies


11. Before the access is first used visibility splays shall be provided as shown on the drawing named 'Visual Splays' with an X dimension of 2.4 metres and a Y dimension of 59 metres [tangential to the nearside edge of the carriageway] and thereafter retained in the specified form. Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 2 Class A of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no obstruction to visibility shall be erected, constructed, planted or permitted to grow over 0.6 metres high within the areas of the visibility splays.


Reason: To ensure drivers of vehicles entering the highway have sufficient visibility to manoeuvre safely including giving way to approaching users of the highway without them having to take avoiding action and to ensure drivers of vehicles on the public highway have sufficient warning of a vehicle emerging in order to take avoiding action, if necessary.


12. In the event that contamination which has not already been identified to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) is found or suspected on the site it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. No further development (including any construction, demolition, site clearance, removal of underground tanks and relic structures) shall take place until this condition has been complied with in its entirety.


An investigation and risk assessment must be completed in accordance with a scheme which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken by competent persons and conform with prevailing guidance (including BS10175:2011+A2:2017 and the Land Contamination Risk Management (LCRM)) and a written report of the findings must be produced. The written report is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.


Where remediation is necessary a detailed remediation method statement (RMS) must be prepared, and is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The RMS must include detailed methodologies for all works to be undertaken, site management procedures, proposed remediation objectives and remediation criteria. The approved RMS must be carried out in its entirety and the Local Planning Authority must be given two weeks written notification prior to the commencement of the remedial works.


Following completion of the approved remediation scheme a validation report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation must be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA. 


Reason: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors.


13. No removal of hedgerows, trees or shrubs, or works to or demolition of buildings or structures that may be used by breeding birds shall take place between 1st March and 31st August inclusive, unless a competent ecologist has undertaken a careful, detailed check of vegetation for active birds' nests immediately before the vegetation is cleared and provided written confirmation that no birds will be harmed and/or that there are appropriate measures in place to protect nesting bird interest on site. Any such written confirmation should be submitted to the local planning authority.


Reason: To ensure that nesting birds are protected.


14. Within 3 month(s) of commencement of development, precise details of a scheme of landscape works (which term shall include tree and shrub planting, grass, earthworks, driveway construction, parking areas patios, hard surfaces etc, and other operations as appropriate) at a scale not less than 1:200 shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


Reason: To ensure that there is a well laid out landscaping scheme in the interest of visual amenity.


15. The approved landscaping scheme shall be implemented not later than the first planting season following commencement of the development (or within such extended period as the local planning authority may allow) and shall thereafter be retained and maintained for a period of 5 years.  Any plant material removed, dying or becoming seriously damaged or diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced within the first available planting season and shall be retained and maintained.


Reason: To ensure the submission and implementation of a well-laid out scheme of landscaping in the interest of visual amenity.


16. Notwithstanding the provisions of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 or any Order revoking or re-enacting the said Order] no development of any kind specified in Part 1, Classes A, AA, B, C, D, E and Part 2, Class A of Schedule 2 of the said Order shall be carried out unless otherwise agreed with the local planning authority.


Reason: In order that the local planning authority may retain control over this particular form of development in the interests of amenity and the protection of the local environment and the amenity of adjoining residents. 




1. The Local Planning Authority has assessed the proposal against all material considerations including planning policies and any comments that may have been received. The planning application has been approved in accordance with the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework and local plan to promote the delivery of sustainable development and to approach decision taking in a positive way.


2. East Suffolk Council is a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Authority.


The proposed development referred to in this planning permission may be chargeable development liable to pay Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) under Part 11 of the Planning Act 2008 and the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).


If your development is for the erection of a new building, annex or extension or the change of use of a building over 100sqm in internal area or the creation of a new dwelling, holiday let of any size or convenience retail , your development may be liable to pay CIL and you must submit a CIL Form 2 (Assumption of Liability) and CIL Form 1 (CIL Questions) form as soon as possible to


A CIL commencement Notice (CIL Form 6) must be submitted at least 24 hours prior to the commencement date.  The consequences of not submitting CIL Forms can result in the loss of payment by instalments, surcharges and other CIL enforcement action.


CIL forms can be downloaded direct from the planning portal:


Guidance is viewable at:


3. Note: It is an OFFENCE to carry out works within the public highway, which includes a Public Right of Way, without the permission of the Highway Authority.


 Any conditions which involve work within the limits of the public highway do not give the applicant permission to carry them out.  Unless otherwise agreed in writing all works within the public highway shall be carried out by the County Council or its agents at the applicant's expense.


 The County Council's East Area Manager must be contacted on Telephone: 01728 652400. Further information can be found at:


 A fee is payable to the Highway Authority for the assessment and inspection of both new vehicular crossing access works and improvements deemed necessary to existing vehicular crossings due to proposed development.

Report of the Head of Planning and Coastal Management

The Committee received report ES/1469 of the Head of Planning and Coastal Management, which related to planning application DC/22/2515/FUL.


The application sought approval for extensions to the rear of the property, first floor extension over garage and external alterations at Badgers Bank, Priory Road, Snape.  As the officer recommendation of approval was contrary to Snape Parish Council's objection, the application was subject to consideration by the Referral Panel on 23 January 2023.  The Referral Panel concluded that the application be determined by the Committee.


The Committee received a presentation from the Planner, who was the case officer for the application.  The site's location as set out and the Planner noted it was located within the Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (the AONB) and Flood Zone 3b.


The Committee was shown photographs of the site displaying views of the street scene, neighbouring properties from within the site, east and west from Priory Road, and the rear elevation of the host dwelling.


The proposed block plan, along with the existing and proposed floor plans and elevations, was displayed to the Committee.


The recommendation to approve the application subject to conditions, set out in the report, was outlined to the Committee.


The Chairman invited questions to the officers.  In response to a question on the acceptability of the metal cladding in the AONB, the Planner acknowledged the proposed aluminium was an unfamiliar material in the area and the applicant, following consultation with officers, had reduced the amount of metal cladding to retain a link with the more traditional finishes in the area.  The Planning Manager (Development Management, Major Sites and Infrastructure) added that diversity of materials in the AONB is not inappropriate; officers had felt the initial proposals for the cladding had been too radical and that the revised scheme was considered a more acceptable blend of unfamiliar and traditional building materials.


The Chairman invited Mr Wells, the applicant's agent to address the Committee.  Mr Wells highlighted that the applicant had engaged with the pre-app process and the scheme had been amended following feedback from officers.  Mr Wells was pleased that technical consultees were supportive of the final proposals.


Mr Wells acknowledged the comments of Snape Parish Council and displayed images of similar schemes elsewhere in the AONB with similar cladding to what was proposed.  Mr Wells considered the scheme to be appropriate and looked forward to being able to implement it.


The Chairman invited questions to Mr Wells.  Mr Wells confirmed that the proposed cladding would look similar to what had been displayed during his address and would be a sheet material fitted on site.  Mr Wells confirmed that the cladding itself would have a 60-80-year lifespan and was less likely to deteriorate than more traditional materials.


To assist the Committee, the Planning Manager drew attention to the cladding that could be viewed on East Suffolk House and on buildings to the rear, citing that this cladding was similar to what was being proposed in the application.


The Chairman invited the Committee to debate the application that was before it.  Councillor Daly opened the debate by stating he saw no grounds to refuse the application, considering the approach of coupling new and old styles to be innovative and welcome.


Councillor Yule concurred with Councillor Daly and noted similar developments in her own ward which fitted in well and had not been objected to.


There being no further debate, the Chairman sought a proposer and seconder for the recommendation to approve the application.  On the proposition of Councillor Daly, seconded by Councillor Yule it was by a unanimous vote




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined below:


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun within a period of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


Reason: In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended. 


2. The development hereby permitted shall be completed in all respects strictly in accordance with PW1239 PL02 Rev F and PW1239 PL10 received 21/09/2022, Design and Access Statement received 23/06/2022, and Flood Risk Assessment (2211-757, 15.12.2022) received 16/12/2022 for which permission is hereby granted or which are subsequently submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and in compliance with any conditions imposed by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt as to what has been considered and approved. 


3. The materials and finishes shall be as indicated within the submitted application and thereafter retained as such, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the local planning authority.


Reason: To ensure the satisfactory appearance of the development in the interests of visual amenity. 


4. The window on the west elevation at first-floor level shall be fitted with obscured glass, which shall have an obscurity of level 3 on the pilkington obscured glazing range (or equivalent by an alternative manufacturer) and shall be retained in that condition, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To preserve the amenity of adjacent property. 


5. The hereby approved development shall only be carried out in accordance with the mitigation methods detailed within the Flood Risk Assessment (2211-757, 15.12.2022). The electrical sockets in the extension shall be no lower than the sockets in the adjacent room in the existing dwelling, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: The application site lies within an area at risk from flooding. These measures are required to ensure the proposal is at no greater risk than the existing dwelling.




1. The Local Planning Authority has assessed the proposal against all material considerations including planning policies and any comments that may have been received. The planning application has been approved in accordance with the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework and local plan to promote the delivery of sustainable development and to approach decision taking in a positive way. 

Part Two - Confidential

There are no Exempt or Confidential items for this Agenda.


NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Councillor Tony Cooper  
Councillor Mike Deacon Councillor Peter Byatt
Councillor Colin Hedgley  
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Officers present:
Eleanor Attwood (Planner), Karen Cook (Democratic Services Manager), Grant Heal (Planner), Matt Makin (Democratic Services Officer (Regulatory)), Natalie Webb (Senior Planner), Ben Woolnough (Planning Manager (Development Management, Major Sites and Infrastructure))