Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Full Council
16 Dec 2019 - 18:00 to 18:42
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Meeting Details

Members are invited to an Extraordinary Meeting of the Full Council

to be held in the Deben Conference Room, East Suffolk House, Melton

on Monday, 16 December 2019 at 6.00pm

Part One - Open To The Public
1 Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence, if any.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M Deacon, T Gandy, C Mapey, D McCallum, F Mortimer, T Mortimer, M Rudd and K Yule.
2 Declarations of Interest

Members and Officers are invited to make any declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary or Local Non-Pecuniary Interests that they may have in relation to items on the Agenda and are also reminded to make any declarations at any stage during the Meeting if it becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is considered.


Councillor J Ceresa declared a Local Non Pecuniary Interest in Item 5 - Mutford Neighbourhood Plan, as she was the District Councillor for that area and in Item 6 - London Road, Lowestoft, Hight Street Heritage Action Zone, as she was the Suffolk County Councillor for Lowestoft South.


Councillor C Rivett declared a Local Non Pecuniary Interest in Item 5 - Mutford Neighbourhood Plan, as he was the District Councillor for that area.

3 Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chairman, the Leader of the Council, members of the Cabinet, or the Chief Executive, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 5.1(e).


Chairman of the Council


The Chairman reported that he would provide an update on the events that he and the Vice Chairman had attended, on behalf of the Council, at the next scheduled Full Council meeting on 22 January 2020.


The Chairman then stated that he was sad to report that 3 former Councillors had recently passed away.  


Former Waveney District Councillor, David Young, had been elected in 1998, after serving as Member of Suffolk Police Authority.  He had been elected to Waveney District Councillor as the Liberal Democrat for Kirkley and he subsequently became Leader of the Liberal Democrat and Independent Group.  He had also been the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate for Waveney District Council in 2001 and for Suffolk Coastal District Council in 2005.


Former Waveney District Councillor, Nick Brighouse, had been elected in 1975 as a Conservative and he had served for 20 years, until 1995.  Nick had been very active within the Council and he was Chairman of the Council from 1977 to 1979.  He was then Leader of the Council from 1984 to 1986.  Nick was also a Member of Suffolk County Council from 1989 to 1997.


The Chairman then invited Councillor Herring to say a few words about former Suffolk Coastal District Councillor, John Geater. 


Councillor Herring reported that he had been sad to learn that John had passed away in November and Councillor Herring reported that he had attended his funeral on behalf of the Council.    John had been elected in 1974 and had served as a Councillor for 34 years.  John had been particularly interested in Felixstowe Port and energy production and he had supported the development of Sizewell.  He had a family business in the Leiston area and he had then taught for many years and had inspired future generations.  He had always been a happy and positive person and would be greatly missed by his local community.  His daughter, Susan, had also been a Suffolk Coastal District Councillor in the last administration, stepping down from this role in May 2019.


The Chairman of the Council then asked all those present to stand for a minutes' silence, as a mark of respect for the former Councillors who had recently passed away.


Leader of the Council


The Leader of the Council reported that he had made the following appointments to Outside Bodies, using his delegated authority:


Access and Amenity Fund (Executive Function) – Councillor James Mallinder, Cabinet Member for the Environment
Coastal Communities Team Committee (Executive Function) – Councillor Letitia Smith, Cabinet Member for Communities, Leisure and Tourism
Galloper Wind Farm Fund Panel  (Executive Function) – Councillor James Mallinder, Cabinet Member for the Environment
Suffolk Local Access Forum (Exec Function) – Councillor James Mallinder
Sparsity Partnership for Authorities Delivering Rural Services (SPARSE) (Non-Executive Function) – Councillor Chris Mapey replaces Councillor Stephen Burroughes


Cabinet Members


There were no announcements from the Members of the Cabinet on this occasion.


Chief Executive


There were no announcements from the Chief Executive on this occasion.

4 Petitions

No petitions have been received as provided by Council Procedure Rule 10.


No petitions had been received, as provided by Council Procedure Rule 10.

Report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Coastal Management.

Councillor Ritchie, Cabinet Member for Planning and Coastal Management, presented the report which sought approval for the Council to 'make' the Mutford Neighbourhood Plan.  He reported that he was supported this evening by B Wright, Planning Officer for Planning Policy and D Povey, Delivery and Principal Planner for Planning Policy and Delivery.  It was noted that the Parish Clerk for Mutford, Mr Armstrong, had been instrumental in the creation and development of the plan, and he had demonstrated that it was not necessary to have a Planning Consultant involved in the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan.


Councillor Ritchie reported that Mutford consisted of 550 inhabitants and was located between Carlton Colville and Beccles in the North of the District.  The dwellings were dotted around the parish and it was noted that Hulver Road within the village, was named after the anglo saxon word for Holly, which was 'Hulver'.  The East Suffolk Council Waveney Local Plan allocates one potential site for development, which would be modest and proportionate for the village.  It was noted that local residents had been keen to preserve the rural aspect of the village and to try and preserve the 'dark skies', as many areas were blighted by light pollution.


In accordance with the regulations, a referendum regarding the Neighbourhood Plan had been held and the residents had voted to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan.   It was confirmed that following the result of the referendum, the Council was required to formally 'make' the plan within 8 weeks.   The Extraordinary Full Council meeting this evening was slightly beyond that timescale, as the Full Council meeting scheduled for 27 November 2019 had been cancelled due to the General Election.  


The Planning Officer for Planning Policy and Delivery reported that the Planning Team had worked with the Parish Clerk and the residents of Mutford throughout the process and they had developed a very good working relationship.  The Neighbourhood Plan had gone through all of the regulatory stages and no issues had arisen.  


Councillor Fryatt took the opportunity to ask how long it had taken for the Mutford Neighbourhood Plan to be completed?  The Principal Planner for Planning Policy and Delivery reported that it had taken approximately 3 years, which was about average when compared to other parishes.


Councillor Byatt queried whether the proposed Barnby Bends bypass had been included within the Mutford Neighbourhood Plan.  Councillor Ritchie reported that the Barnby Bends was to the North of Mutford and the road was the historical boundary for the village.


Councillor Elliott took the opportunity to congratulate all those involved in the development of the Neighbourhood Plan and he had been particularly interested in the emphasis on retaining the 'dark skies' for the village.


There being no further questions or debate, Councillor Ritichie proposed the recommendation, which was seconded by Councillor Kerry and it was then unanimously 




That the Council “make” the Mutford Neighbourhood Plan (referendum version) part of the statutory Development Plan for the Mutford Neighbourhood Area.

Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Coastal Management.

Councillor Rivett, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development, presented the report which sought approval for the required match-funding contribution and the additional budget requirement for additional staffing requirements to assist with this project. 


It was noted that East Suffolk Council had been successful in its bid to move on to the next stage of Historic England's High Street Heritage Action Zone Programme.  The confirmation and funding was on an 'in principle' basis, dependent upon the successful design and submission of a Delivery Plan to Historic England by 20 December 2019.  The Delivery Plan would include details of the 'in principle' grant funding allocation of £561,870.00 from Historic England, profiled for the duration of the four year programme.


The Council was required to provide match-funding of £338,738.00, which would be profiled over the 4 years.  It was noted that this funding would not be committed before confirmation that the funding from Historic England had been awarded.  It had been agreed previously with Finance that the Council's match-funding would come from the Business Rates Equalisation Reserve.


In order to fulfil the terms of the existing North Lowestoft Heritage Action Zone and the London Road High Street Heritage Action Zone, additional staff resource was required from the Planning and Coastal Management Team.  This funding would provide additional, fixed term dedicated Planning resources to effectively deliver both Heritage Action Zones, for the four year period of the programme and it was noted that this would also be funded from the Business Rates Equalisation Reserve.


The Head of Economic Development and Regeneration confirmed that the Council would be the Accountable Body for the funding and would therefore own and manage the risks associated with the delivery of the project.  The Governance of the project would be overseen by the High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) Board, with assistance from the HSHAZ Project Delivery Team.   It was noted that this project would provide an excellent opportunity to make significant improvements for the area and raise aspirations of local residents.


Councillor Patience stated that he was born in the Harbour Ward and had lived there all his life.  He was concerned that neither of the 2 Heritage Action Zones included Surrey Street, as there were many important buildings on that street, which needed to be protected for the future.  He queried what was happening to protect and support areas outside of the Heritage Action Zone?  The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development reported that there were many projects underway in the Lowestoft area.  The Council had been unsuccessful in its bids last year, however the Council would be reapplying for Round 2 in Summer 2020.  Furthermore the Council had been invited to bid to the Towns Fund with a potential £25 million being available for the town. The Council was committed to taking all opportunities that were available to it, to improve the local area.  The Head of Economic Development and Regeneration confirmed that the Council was applying for significant investment including the Towns Fund.  A Master Plan for the area was being created and it would focus upon matters which were important to local people, such as making the town centre more welcoming and vibrant.


Councillor Green reported that she was very supportive of the proposals, however she sought clarification regarding the rationale behind the costs over the 4 year project.  The Head of Economic Development and Regeneration reported that the figures were based upon the Draft Delivery Plan for the project, whereby the money would be received in phases over the 4 year term of the project and the expenditure was planned accordingly.  More detailed information would be provided within the Draft Delivery Plan, in due course.


Councillor Gooch welcomed the project and she queried the level of support being provided to local businesses, as she was concerned that several small businesses had closed recently.    She also queried whether the Council was able to influence the shop owners, to try and encourage them to have tidy and well maintained shop fronts, which would help to improve the overall appearance of the town centre.  The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development reported that the Economic Development Officers were working to support local businesses and every effort was being undertaken to facilitate the improvement in shop frontages in the town.


Councillor Byatt commented that the additional Planning Officers were due to be in post from April 2020 to April 2024.  He queried what would happen if there was a delay in their recruitment, would their employment be extended to ensure that the Council had the additional resource for 4 years?  The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development confirmed that advice would be sought and every effort would be taken to consider all of the impacts regarding these posts, in order to best meet the needs of the Council.


Councillor Byatt reported that partnership working to improve Lowestoft was essential and he asked if Ward Councillors could be kept informed and involved with this Project, as they would have a valuable role in disseminating information to the public.  The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development reported that the promotion of Lowestoft was crucial and the Council would be using a wide range of ways to publicise its work in this respect, including social media.  It was also important to celebrate those new businesses that were doing well and hopefully encourage other local people to become more enterprising.


Councillor Topping stated that local people had been very upset by the removal of the archives in Lowestoft and it was important to engage the local communities in positive things that were happening locally.  The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development agreed that this was important and reported that there would be regular Heritage Action Zone newsletters in order to keep the public apprised of the latest developments.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development took the opportunity to move the recommendations contained within the report and they were duly seconded by the Cabinet Member for Planning and Coastal Management, it was then




1.   That the required match-funding contribution from East Suffolk Council for the ‘London Road’ Heritage Action Zone programme of; £66,750 Year 1 (2020/21), £84,877 Year 2 (2021/22), £36,059 Year 3 (2022/23) and £151,052 in Year 4 (2023/24), totalling £338,738 and to be funded from the Business Rates Equalisation Reserve be approved.

2.  That the additional budget requirement totalling £181,283 over four years, commencing 2020/21 to resource an additional Area Planning Officer (0.5 FTE) and a Design & Conservation Officer (0.5 FTE), funded from the Business Rates Equalisation Reserve and which will cover both the existing North Lowestoft and the ‘London Road’ Street Heritage Action Zones be approved.

Report of the Leader of the Council.


(a) That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be given delegated authority to make any necessary changes to the Calendar of Meetings throughout the year, and


(b)  That Full Council approves the Draft Calendar of Meetings of East Suffolk Council, its Cabinet and Committees, enclosed herewith.



The Leader of the Council presented the Draft Calendar of Meetings for the 2020/21 Municipal Year for approval.   He reported that the Calendar of Meetings provided the framework for the democratic and decision-making processes that underpins the delivery of the key priorities identified within the Council's Strategic Plan.  It was noted that the Chairman of the Council and the Chairmen of the Committees have the power to call additional or Extraordinary meetings when required, to accommodate urgent or unscheduled items of business or to change a meeting date to reflect unexpected circumstances.


The Calendar of Meetings for 2020/21, once approved, would be published on the Council's website via CMIS.  It was noted that Democratic Services would also ensure that all Councillors receive electronic calendar invitations to all of the Committees upon which they sit, to include Full Council meetings.  The Leader then took the opportunity to propose the recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Rivett and it was



1) That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be granted delegated authority to make any necessary changes to the Calendar of Meetings throughout the year.

2)  That the Draft Calendar of Meetings of East Suffolk Council, its Cabinet and Committees, for 2020/21 be approved.



The Chairman of the Council thanked everyone for attending the meeting and wished them all a Happy Christmas.  He then announced that there would be a short recess and the Scrutiny Committee meeting  would therefore commence at 6.55pm.

Part Two - Confidential

There are no Exempt or Confidential items for this Agenda.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Jenny CeresaItem 5 - Mutford Neighbourhood PlanShe was the District Councillor for that area.Non-PecuniaryNone
Councillor Jenny CeresaItem 6 - London Road Lowestoft, HAZShe was the Suffolk County Councillor for the Lowestoft South DivisionNon-PecuniaryNone
Councillor Craig RivettItem 5 - Mutford Neighbourhood PlanHe was the District Councillor for that area.Non-PecuniaryNone


Officers present: 

 S Baker (Chief Executive), A Jarvis (Strategic Director), N Khan (Strategic Director), D Povey (Principal Planner for Planning Policy and Delivery), H Slater (Monitoring Officer and Head of Legal and Democratic Services), P Wood (Head of Economic Development and Regeneration), N Wotton (Deputy Democratic Services Manager) and B Wright (Planning Officer for Planning Policy and Delivery).