Members are invited to a Meeting of the Southwold Harbour Management Committee
to be held in the Stella Peskett Millennium Hall,
on Thursday, 23 January 2025 at 4.45pm
Agenda Item 7 - A paper setting out plans for redevelopment of the caravan site has been drafted and was proposed to come to this meeting. Options for the redevelopment are being overseen by the Strategy Working Group. Whilst significant progress has been made, the work of the group to date has identified a number of complexities, including the long term costs of harbour redevelopment and the availability of external funding.
Because there is – as yet – no conclusion, and therefore no preferred option for the HMC to agree, it has been decided to withdraw the item and bring a recommendation on the preferred option back to a future meeting. That recommendation will be based on the work of the Working Group, which meets again next week.