The Committee received report ES-2156. The Interim Estates Manager stated that total income for the harbour was £129,862, exceeding the budget of £125,080 by £4,782. Strong performance in mooring fees and other charges has contributed positively. Total expenditure was £145,890, significantly above the budgeted £82,778 due to overspends on supplies and services (£76,513 actual vs. £21,730 budgeted). There was a net deficit of £16,028, which was better than the expected deficit of £42,302.
For the caravan and campsite income was £566,680, slightly below the budget of £591,102, mainly due to lower than expected static caravan fees. Total expenditure was £246,746 which was an underspend against the budget of £280,129. There was a total surplus of £319,934, exceeding the budgeted surplus by £8,961.
Combined total income was £696,542, trailing the budget by £19,640. Total expenditure was £392,636, with a £29,729 overspend. The combined net surplus is £303,906 which was £49,369 behind the budgeted figure of £353,275.
Mr MacFarlane asked what the service spend related to. The Harbour and Campsite Manager stated this was due to general higher costs. Some work had also been bought forward from later in the budget. Bookings for next year were accounted for immediately and not accrued so figures would start to balance out.
The Chair of the Stakeholder Advisory Group stated that the overspend in the harbour had been concerning on the harbour side and asked what this was for exactly. The Interim Estates Manager confirmed he would send out more detail on this. Councillor Beavan asked if more detail could be provided on this in future.
The Chair of the Stakeholder Advisory Group stated that if the thirty empty plots on the static caravan site had been filled then there would have been higher revenues for the past seven or so years. The Chair of the Southwold Caravan Owners Association stated she believed there would be an extra £250,000 earned from this. The caravan site was losing money, when it should be earning money.
By a unanimous vote it was
That the Harbour Management Committee:
1. Noted the financial performance of Southwold Harbour and the Caravan and Campsite up to 30th August 2024.
2. Approved the forecast year-end financial position for 2024/25.
3. Considered any necessary actions to mitigate variances or improve financial performance.
4. Reported the financial outcome to the Cabinet.