Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Planning Committee North
9 Jul 2024 - 14:00 to 16:36
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Meeting Details

Members are invited to a Meeting of the Planning Committee North

to be held in the Conference Room, Riverside, Lowestoft

on Tuesday, 9 July 2024 at 2:00pm


This meeting will be broadcast to the public via the East Suffolk YouTube Channel at

Open To The Public
1 Apologies for Absence and Substitutions
There were no apologies for absence.
2 Declarations of Interest

Members and Officers are invited to make any declarations of interests, and the nature of that interest, that they may have in relation to items on the Agenda and are also reminded to make any declarations at any stage during the Meeting if it becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is considered.


Councillor Ewart declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 9 as Ward Councillor.


Councillor Graham declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 8 as Ward Councillor.

3 Declarations of Lobbying and Responses to Lobbying
To receive any Declarations of Lobbying in respect of any item on the agenda and also declarations of any response to that lobbying.  
All members of the Committee had received an email regarding item 8 but had not responded to it.
4 pdf Minutes (152Kb)
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2024.

On the proposition of Councillor Ashdown, seconded by Councillor Pitchers, it was by a unanimous vote




that the minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2024 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

5 pdf Minutes (242Kb)
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 24 May 2024.

On the proposition of Councillor Ashdown, seconded by Councillor Pitchers, it was by a unanimous vote




that the minutes of the meeting held on 24 May 2024 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

6 pdf Minutes (206Kb)
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2024.

On the proposition of Councillor Pitchers, seconded by Councillor Ashdown, it was by a unanimous vote




that the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2024 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Subject to the following amendment to paragraph 5.  


Councillor Ashton endorsed the comments of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management regarding Parish Councils and noted that it was imperative that Parish and Town Councils responded to planning applications to ensure their comments were taken on board and responded to.



Report of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management.

The Committee received report ES/2029 of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management which provided a summary of the status of all outstanding enforcement cases for East Suffolk Council where enforcement action had been sanctioned under delegated powers up until 20 June 2024. At that time there were 23 such cases. The Enforcement Planner advised that there were no updates on the report and the Chair invited questions from the members.


Councillor Ashdown asked for an update on item A1 as the compliance date was 27 April 2024.  The Enforcement Planner confirmed that they were looking to determine the occupation status as the case was involving a holiday let being used as residential and were currently gathering evidence regarding the use of the property.


Councillor Ashdown asked the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management to confirm the expected timescales for legal work, now that there was extra legal support in place for Enforcement matters.  He responded that from next month, reports would contain the legal detail and any explanation. Councillor Ashdown noted the importance of the general public having the update as well as the members.


It was noted that there was an error in the compliance date for item A:3, this should be 31 July 2024 and would be amended.  The Enforcement Planner confirmed that this property was due to be visited.


There being no further questions or comments, on the proposition of Councillor Ashdown, seconded by Councillor Pitchers it was by a unanimous vote




That the outstanding enforcement matters up to 20 June 2024 be noted.

Report of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management.

The Committee received report ES/2030 of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management which related to planning application DC/23/0371/FUL.


The application was for the demolition of the existing dwelling and the erection of a replacement dwelling and garage.  The application was before the Committee for determination following the Member “call-in” process.


The Committee received a presentation from the Senior Planner, who was the Case officer for the application. 


The site location map was shared with the Committee with the Senior Planner noting that there was public footpath access running towards the site but access was via a private track which also served the sewage works and the two adjacent properties.  The Public Rights of Way were also pointed out as running close to the site – both in terms of the route on the ground and the mapped definitive route.


The aerial photograph was shown, comparing the location of the footpath to the previous map shown and noting that in reality the footpath was running outside of the curtilage of the property and onto the woodland.  The relationship between Mere Cottage and Crossing Cottage was shown on the photograph.


Photographs showing the context of the site were shown to the Committee, highlighting the extensions to Crossing Cottage that had taken place.  The Principal Planner pointed out the small window in Mere Cottage to note when considering the impact on residential amenity.


Photographs leading up to the site showing the track were shared, with the Senior Planner noting it wasn’t a public footpath but was a permissive path used by the public.


Photographs showing the site overlooking the Mere to the West and open land to the South – part of an RSPB reserve and Site of Special Scientific Interest  (SSSI).  The relationship of the property and its neighbours, sitting in an island within the SSSI designated area was demonstrated.


The view showing the edge of curtilage/footpath as it exists was shown, with the Principal Planner noting the scale of fenestration on the existing building and Mere Cottage shown in the background.


Drawings of the proposed replacement dwelling were shown to the Committee and the relationship to the common land boundary and the definitive line of footpath was shown on the drawings. 


The Senior Planner told the Committee that the proposal was to replace the existing cottage with a larger two storey and single storey building, and the main sensitive part of the site and area was the western elevation.  It was noted there had been concern from some consultees regarding the impact of glazing and the noise associated with the two terrace areas on first floor level.


Elevations, floor plans and balcony plans were shown to the Committee along with a photorealistic image of the property, noting the design would grey down with age, to limit the visual impact on an area of outstanding natural beauty.  The Senior Planner noted that the design had considered the impact on residential amenity with a dug-in element.


The results of the light study were shown, it was demonstrated that the property would be below the 25 degree line, therefore impact on neighbouring amenity would be limited, however it was acknowledged that the property was larger than what was currently there and this would influence outlook.


The material planning considerations and key issues were summarised as:


  • Time limit
  • Plans
  • CEMP
  • Materials
  • Landscaping/earth works
  • Contamination investigation/mitigation.


The difference of opinion from principal consultees was noted, but the officers did not consider the application to have unacceptable impact on an area of outstanding natural beauty with the design and mitigations measures that were introduced. The recommendation to delegate authority to the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management to approve the application for planning permission was outlined to the Committee.


The Chair invited questions from the Committee to the Officers.


Councillor Graham asked Officers if, when making their recommendation for approval, they had taken into account the legislative changes to the CRoW Act, seeking advice from the local landscape authority, which in this case was the AONB Unit.  In response, the Senior Planner confirmed that the changes to the CRoW Act were relatively subtle but required local authorities to make decisions with the purpose of conserving/enhancing the AONB.  The Senior Planner stated that it would be a judgement from Members, and in this case the Officers considered that whilst the building was larger, this was not precluded by the changes to the CRoW Act, and it was considered that the proposed design, materials, mitigation to fenestration and glazing, contributed to a proposal that was neutral or potentially enhancing the wider area/designation.  


Councillor Graham questioned the measures described as being mitigation measures only, adding that she understood the CRoW Act to put responsibility on the Local Authority to conserve and defend what was there rather than mitigate.  The Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management confirmed that there had been significant engagement with the Council’s Ecology Team to make sure those environmental effects were considered appropriately and extensive consultation with the correct consultees which had led to the recommendation being put forward.  He added that the changes to Section 85 wasn’t a presumption against any development taking place, and had to be a judgement of specific impacts; in this case Officers judgement was that it preserves or enhances the AONB.


Councillor Gee questioned the size of the proposed building and that there were four blocks of buildings with a very large footprint, the Senior Planner revisited the map and clarified the size.


Councillor Ewart asked about flooding, questioning what the water table was at Aldringham Fen and whether it moved.  The Senior Planner confirmed that he had taken on board the flood risk assessment which suggested the level of excavation would be above the water table and the building was within flood zone 1. 


In response to Councillor Ewart, the Senior Planner confirmed that the applicant had changed the property height by 1 metre.  They had put forward the changed application in response to the original application not being likely to be approved.


Councillor Ewart asked whether there needed to be any mitigation regarding the water table levels rising and in response the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management confirmed that not for a replacement dwelling and this was covered within the report.  The Chair noted that one of the conditions was for a construction management plan. 


Councillor Pitchers sought clarification on footpath 43.  Councillor Pitchers asked would the footpath stay as it was or would it need to be re-routed.  The Senior Planner responded that it would be within Suffolk County Council powers to ensure that the definitive route was open and available for use, but it was not something for the District Council to control.  


The Principal Planner confirmed that the definitive footpath alignment was on the map, and that was what needed to be taken into account alongside where the proposed building was, in this case it was close but there would be no direct impact arising from the development. 


Councillor Ewart questioned the size of the development and whether it was proportional or oversized in such a special place.  The Principal Planner confirmed that the policy states that the replacement dwelling is no more visually intrusive than the dwelling it replaces.  In this case the assessment and judgement would compare the quality of what was there and what was proposed to replace it.  He confirmed it was appropriate in the context, and whilst the design is subjective, officers were supportive of the scheme and ultimately it would be a judgment for the Committee. 


Councillor Ashton asked about the light spill from the proposed property compared to the existing, taking into consideration when the consultees responded,  he asked whether this was an improvement on light pollution or was it worse? Secondly he asked if that was a view shared by the AONB team too?  The Senior Planner displayed the withdrawn and new applications and a comparison to the existing property, noting that whist the building was bigger and the glazing increased, it would be mitigated by louvres and the intention to use low VLT glazing (level 0.4).  Considering both the landscape and ecological impact, none of the principal consultees, Natural England and the Council’s Ecological Team have raised concern about light.


Summarising all factors, the larger footprint, potential increased light pollution, mitigation and usage of upper floor living space, Councillor Ashton asked was it better or worse?  The Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management confirmed that the existing property had no controls over external lighting whereas a new building would bring a degree of control and there would be planning conditions to continue to restrict the nature of glazing and illumination.  He added in the design changes of the proposal there would be a significant reduction in the amount of glazing overall, but it was difficult to quantify if it would be better or worse, in terms of light spill, as the existing building was uncontrolled.  The Chair noted the impact of the different uses of the building on light spill.  Councillor Ashton noted all the comments, and concluded it was difficult to be precise as there were some benefits and some disadvantages.


Councillor Graham referred to the mitigation measure of vegetation screening along the border line of the property and asked how they could be sure it would be there for the lifetime of the dwelling and whether it could be enforced.  The Senior Planner replied that the normal condition was for a five year period and beyond that there could be an ecological management plan for how it should be managed in the future, this could be in place for a period of time to ensure it was beholden on any future residents.  The Principal Planner confirmed that if the planting failed within the first five years, then it has to be replaced to a satisfactory level, and if the application was consented then Officers would follow up to monitor the planting to ensure it established properly to offer the screening required longer term.


In response to Councillor Pitchers question regarding the RSPB consultation and effect on bats, the Senior Planner confirmed that the Council’s Ecological Team did not require that to be taken up.  The Principal Planner noted the strengthened Ecology Team and the scrutiny that they give to all applications, adding if they have reviewed the application and determined that further survey work is not required in respect of bats, then members could trust that judgement when making a decision. 


There being no further questions from the Committee, the Chair invited the objector to speak. 


Mr W told the Committee that the Leiston-Aldeburgh Site of Special Scientific Interest, Sandlings Special Protection Area, RSPB North Warren Nature Reserve all made up the Aldringham Fen’s area and were a special place much enjoyed by many walkers, birdwatchers and tourists in the heart of Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.  

He said Natural England advised “Your decision should be guided by paragraphs 176 and 177 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which gives the highest status of protection for the ‘landscape and scenic beauty’ of AONBs.  Mr W shared slides showing western elevation large increase in glazing during the applicant’s ownership, noting the 2 AONB lighting guides say glazing in sensitive wildlife sites is to be avoided.  Mr W stated these proposals do not avoid they go straight to mitigation contrary to SCLP10.1.  

Mr W stated the AONB team say “The glazing on the existing western gable would now be unlikely to comply with the primary purpose of designation. Any new scheme coming forward on this site should be seeking to reduce light pollution levels.”

Mr W stated that the Committee report ignored Natural England’s advice regarding the December 2023 amendment to Section 85 of the Countryside and Wildlife Act 2000 (CROW act).

Slides were shown giving a comparison of the size, scale and design, noting at 3,530 sqft, it would dominate 1,200 sqft Mere Cottage, Mr W stated the AONB say this contravenes SCLP11.2 and 800 sqft Sheepwash Cottage.

Mr W referred to the proposed western elevation and said the size and scale was responsible for many adverse impacts, noting the AONB said the spread westwards into the site was incongruous when considered in the context of the existing built character in the vicinity of the site.  Mr W considered the sprawling views would block the views of the wider landscape contravening SCLP10.4 (a-e).  He added Crossing Cottage proposals did not represent sustainable development.

The excessive size and scale, introduction of first floor glazing, compounded by upside down living accommodation with 29 feet of balcony and dropping the dwelling by 1 metre, would not protect or enhance the AONB.  He noted there would be no guarantee that vegetation required to mitigate the visual impact of the proposed dwelling would remain intact for the lifetime of the site. To conclude Mr W told the Committee that the layout of the proposed dwelling with its 5 bathrooms, meant it could easily be used as 6-bedroom property. If this were then let out, as Crossing Cottage now is, it would be a party house i.e not ‘normal occupation’, with all the attendant light, noise and visual disturbance in what is currently a tranquil, wildlife-rich, dark skies area If approved, there should be a condition that restricts occupation to residential only.


The Chair invited questions to the Objector.


Councillor Graham asked about the current Crossing Cottage being used as a holiday let and the impact from noise and people coming and going.  Mr W confirmed it had an impact as large groups used it and there had been fireworks and parties.  Mr W added he was concerned that it was portrayed as a residential property but could easily turn into a holiday let and reiterated he would like to see a restriction added so it was not a holiday let.


Councillor Ewart noted that the new build would be 1.2m lower than their property, questioning what would be overlooked?  Mr W confirmed it would not be their property but the other cottage, Sheepwash Cottage affected and they were concerned about the overbearing nature.


There being no further questions, the Chair invited the Applicant’s Agent tto speak. 


Mr P told the Committee that the application was for a replacement dwelling, which was to be the applicant’s principal dwelling and not a holiday let.  The application had attracted concern due to the size, design and particularly the external glazing and potential for increased light pollution.  He told the Committee that they had a comprehensive and cogent officer report that concluded that the proposal was of a high quality contemporary design that would not cause serious harm and was therefore fully policy compliant.  Mr P stated that they had worked hard to address all of the consultee and residents concerns over the past four years and the revised scheme significantly reduced the impact of the glazing by restricting it to less than 25% of the floor areas, creating balcony upstands, use of fixed louvres and the use of low visible light transmission glass.  The use of VLT will provide a VT of 0.4 as recommended by the South Downs national park guidance and guidance from the AONB.   Mr P shared with the Committee a contemporary design dwelling to the north of Thorpe Ness which had large areas of first floor glazing, pointing out that light pollution was not raised as an issue and permission was granted, with the building winning a Quality of Place design award in 2023.  


Mr P stated Crossing cottage was of little architectural merit, had been over extended,  with poor energy efficiency.  The replacement building has been designed with sustainability in mind and above current building regulations would be employed with the inclusion of passive environment devices and the use of non-fossil fuel heating.  The proposal would not cause serious hard and was policy compliant.  Mr P asked the Committee to adopt the Officer’s recommendation and grant approval.


The Chair invited question to the applicant’s agent.


Councillor Ewart asked where they would put the 1m of soil and nature disturbance created by digging down.  Mr P replied that the soil would be excavated with the intention to reuse on site and it would be spread and landscaped, the details of which would be subject to a condition.  Mr P added if the details of that were not considered acceptable and there was the need to move some of the soil off site a detailed scheme would be submitted and that would need to be consented before development on the ground could start.


Councillor Ewart referred to foul waste and what consideration had been given.  Mr P told the Committee that foul waste was currently discharged to quite an old septic tank, and sewage was not treated in any way, the liquid was dissipated.  Mr P stated what was proposed in lieu of that was a proper modern private packaged treatment plant where  the effluent was treated and discharged to ground. 


Councillor Ewart referred to the report and asked how they were dealing with solar panels or not or battery transferable energy.  Mr P stated that the details of what energy saving measures would be incorporated in the building were not yet finalised and would be dealt with as part of the building regulations should planning permission be granted.  The details of the energy saving measures to be incorporated into the design and dwelling would have to be submitted for officer approval.  It was intended to design with Passive principles, eg air source heat pump rather than boiler and Solar Panels or Photovoltaics would be dealt with as part of the detailed scheme with officers.  Mr P confirmed it would be built with high standards of energy efficiency and they wanted to make it as sustainable as possible.


Councillor Ewart asked about flood risk and the proposal to dig down by a metre, asking what mitigation would be put in place.  Mr P confirmed the site was not in flood zone 1, the Environment Agency’s lowest flood risk area, and in order to demonstrate no risk they worked with a consultant engineer to produce a flood risk assessment which included an addendum which followed on from proposed lowering of level of building.  The consultant concluded the proposal would not result in hitting ground water and there would be no need for dewatering – the professional conclusion was that it was perfectly acceptable re flood risk, particularly as it was a replacement dwelling rather than new building.


Councillor Graham referred to the comparable home example shared and asked if it was a fair comparison, noting the property displayed on the scheme was on the northern edge of Thorpe nest.  Mr P confirmed that the site he referred to lied within an AONB, within heritage coast and in close proximity to a site of special scientific interest. He added the point he was making was light pollution was not identified as an issue.  The application did not attract any objections from consultees, third party residents and he mentioned it as it was of a similar design, with a  large area of glazing at first floor and that property won pride of place design awards 2023.


Councillor Graham appreciated the measures to make the building visually unobtrusive, but had  concern regarding the living level on upper level and the balcony.  Councillor Graham added that type of building invites noise disturbance and activity in an area prized for its tranquillity. Mr P stated that the clients had a long association with Thorpe Ness having owned the property for approximately 20 years.  During that time they have let the building as short time holiday lets.  Mr P’s understanding was is that they have reached the age where they are about to retire and want to live there as their principal dwelling, one of the reasons is the quality of the landscape and wildlife that surrounds it, which is why they have designed it with first floor level living accommodation. The principal use of the balcony would be to sit out and observe the wildlife. 


There being no further question for Mr P, the Chair invited Councillor Whitelock, Ward Councillor,  to speak. 


Councillor Whitelock noted Mr P’s comments regarding the house on North End Avenue and suggested the reason it had the amount of glazing was because it overlooked the sea and not the SSSI.  


Councillor Whitelock told the Committee that it had been recorded that a previous ward member spoke in favour of this development due to other projects in Thorpeness road being similar in character, Councillor Whitelock pointed out that the Ward Members changed in 2023 and all three current Ward Members were not in favour of permission being granted.  This project was not on Thorpeness Road, it was half a mile away from Thorpeness Road via a single farm track, it was in a highly sensitive wildlife area – surrounded by Leiston, Aldeburgh Special Site of Scientific Interest, overlooking RSPB North Warren Reed beds, home to bittern, marsh harrier, and the River Hundred which feeds the reed bed is home to otters. Councillor Whitelock was at Committee as Ward Member, guided by residents views, this project had attracted an unusually high amount of emails asking for it not to be accepted.  The reasons for not accepting were from residents, Parish Councils and statutory bodies.  Councillor Whitelock understand that Suffolk Preservation Society, Parish Councils and resident were opposed and opposition was generally on the grounds of the visually sprawling and intrusive nature of building - 40% increase in size.  Light disturbance on a highly sensitive area -  whilst efforts have been made to reduce its impact,  it has not eradicated it.  Most of Windows are on the west side overlooking the reed bed.   Councillor Whitelock added what had not really been discussed was the proposed excavation of the site to lower the level by 1 metre, it was not fully clear how all of that soil was going to be dealt with, it had been talked about it being spread over the site, but she also understood that a lot of the soil could be removed by vehicles.  An HGV down half a mile of farm track used by cyclists and walkers had caused the Parish Council to express concern and she was expressing alarm.  Councillor Whitelock was also concerned as near by construction would take place for Scottish Power Renewables East Anglia 1 North and East Anglia 2,and there would be two cable corridors very close to the site, Councillor Whitelock saw the site as partly a refuge for local wildlife.  She was confused as to why this had been recommended for approval, as it contradicts two East Suffolk conditions, Full Council passed a motion to further conserve and enhance national landscape with its biodiversity and ecological emergency motion and the District Council committee report had failed to acknowledge the planning hierarchy which seeks firstly to avoid impacts.  Finally, the statement by Natural England said that the decision should be guided by 1.6 and 1.7 of NPPF.  The statutory purpose of the AONB is to conserve and enhance area of natural beauty, and the application should be assessed carefully as to whether proposed development would significantly impact or harm that statutory purpose.


The Chair invited question to Councillor Whitelock.


Councillor Ewart asked Councillor Whitelock what the overarching issue was that residents were bringing forward. In response, Councillor Whitelock said it’s hard to understand when looking at the slides the very special nature of the site, while the design is making an effort to improve what is there, most of the residents are unhappy with the size increase and that it is being dropped into the site, removal of so much soil, light spill and the impact of construction itself.


There were no further questions for Councillor Whitelock.


The Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management clarified the following points:


  • Nature of occupancy, the proposal should be looked at with the building being a permanent residence – C3 Residential Dwelling.  If this was to be used as a holiday let in the future, due to the scale of it, it could be seen as a sui generis use requiring planning permission, so there would be a control in place over large properties being used in that way.


  • Picking up on Councillor Whitelock’s point, he agreed that it was important that East Suffolk has declared a motion of biodiversity and ecological emergency through Full Council.  He confirmed that the key considerations from a planning perspective was the development plan, which does have strong regard to biodiversity, endorsed by the four ecologists in post to support the planning decision making process. 


The Senior Planner confirmed to Councillor Pitchers that the current building was constructed of brick. The Principal Planner confirmed that there was a construction management plan in place, with condition 14 being concerned with vehicles, delivery hours, materials and plan.  A separate condition for the construction environment management plan also existed, and this was more concerned with ecological impacts.


Councillor Gee noted the long list of organisations against the proposal and the consensus of opinion between all of them being overlooking and shadowing of adjacent properties.  They were concerned about the replacement building size, 38-40% increase, the visually intrusive impact and the impact on the wildlife and integrity of the SSSI.   Councillor Gee stated the application did not accord with the objective of policy SLP 5.3. and the proposed scale and amount of glazing failed to accord with SLP 10.4, noting if it failed to respect the policies than there was a problem.  The Principal Planner confirmed that the objections had been taken into consideration by the Officer. 


Councillor Ashdown noted the very thorough officer report, and that they had heard from objectors and on behalf of applicant that it was a permanent residence that where they wanted to live.  He acknowledged the very modern design and its eco- friendly nature, as near carbon neutral as it could be, adding it was of a high specification and the wood exterior meant it would dull down in the future, leaving it not so obtrusive.  He stated the modern design was up to the individual, acknowledged the sprawling area and first floor living accommodation was not uncommon, he concluded that providing conditions were in place, he would be supporting it. 


Councillor Graham liked modern developments but was concerned about this one. Referring to the Landscape Officer comments, she felt the overriding point in the application contravenes Suffolk Coast Plan 5.3, due to the size and felt there were too many opportunities for it to be a recreational house with noise in an area of tranquillity so was minded to oppose.


Councillor Pitchers, had listened carefully to the debate and although it was a large development it wouldn’t stick out to due wooden cladding.  Noting that the light could be slightly less than the existing property and the reassurance from the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management regarding the holiday let and building work conditions, he would be minded to vote in favour.


Councillor Wakeling liked the building but the issue was the location of it along with the increase in size and the relationship to the other buildings.  He had concerns about the upside down living and potential light spill and was minded to oppose. 


Councillor Plummer liked the building but was concerned about the whole construction phase as it was in a difficult area to get construction traffic to.


Councillor Ashton noted the Committee had been together for over a year with a general presumption in favour unless there was a good reason why not. He noted the modern building was an improvement, it was energy efficient, but the building was significantly large and out of proportion with neighbours.  They hadn’t had evidence that the light spill would be worse, and there was mitigation but nothing to say it would be better.  Councillor Ashton cited that the development was more visually intrusive contrary to criterion (c) of SCLP5.3.


Councillor Ewart thanked colleagues for their contributions and noted concerns about the building size.  


The Chair noted the excellent work of the planning team.


There being no further debate, on the proposition of Councillor Ashton, seconded by Councillor Wakeling it was proposed that the application was refused on the grounds that it did not meet Local Plan policy SCLP 5.3, 10.3 and 10.4. It was by a majority vote 




To REFUSE the application for planning permission.

Report of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management.

The Committee received report ES/2031 of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management which related to planning application DC/23/4871/FUL.


The application was for construction of one detached dwelling.  The application was before the Committee for determination following the “call-in” process.


 The Committee received a presentation from the Planner, who was the Case officer for the application.


 The Planner noted that the application was amended during the course of the application process, initially it was proposed for two dwellings but this was amended to one.


 The location plan was shared with the Committee showing the application site in context, highlighting its access from Curlew Green, the site’s access crossing a drain and noting the site contained a pond and existing Nissen Hut.  The site is neighboured by residential properties, with Rosebank opposite the site being a Grade II listed dwelling. The planner noted the site was not in an AONB or Conservation Area but was within the countryside, being outside of any defined settlement boundary. Under the local plan, new residential development in the countryside is limited but permitted by certain policies, and in this case it was felt that the principle of development was supported by policy SCLP5.4.


 For reference the SPD policy document and image showing an example of acceptable infill housing within the policy was shared with the Committee as a point of reference.


 An aerial photograph of the site was shown to the Committee, pointing out surrounding residential properties and the land to the south which was part of the curtilage associated with Farm View.


 Site photographs were shared showing:

Curlew Green
Access to the site
Nissen Hut, proposed to be retained as part of the development, conditioned to use as ancillary to dwelling.

The Planner noted the current site was for one bungalow with existing access and car parking for 2 cars, and that it met the minimum requirements for a 3 bed dwelling.  There would be a packaged treatment plant to deal with foul sewage, subject to meeting the requirements from Environment Agency.


Proposed plans showing elevations, materials and floor plans were shared.


The tree layout plan had been submitted, three were proposed to be removed, because they were judged to be of poor quality and the landscape officer had been consulted; a condition was recommended for landscaping details and replacement planting.


The recommendation to delegate authority to the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management to approve the application for planning permission was outlined to the Committee.


The Chair invited question to the Planner.


In response to Councillor Wakeling it was confirmed that an ecological survey was submitted as part of the application which had been reviewed by Council Ecology Officers, who were satisfied with the findings.

 It was confirmed to Councillor Ewart that since the first application, the larger property had been removed from the scheme. 

There being no further questions the Chair invited the Parish Council to speak.

Councillor Buttle intended no disrespect to the applicants.  She stated that the relevant material considerations were highways and parking and the cumulative impact, also unsuitable building materials, the lane was a designated quiet lane, which was narrow, with no official parking places, adding residents and visitors with smaller gardens are forced to park on lane leading to traffic including emergency vehicles struggling to get through due to parked cars.

The existing properties were cottages/small houses built in local vernacular tradition. If permission was given this would set a precedent for other properties to follow suit and at least 10 other properties on the lane, on paper, could potentially meet the cluster policy criteria of policy SCLP5.4.  If this happened it would be detrimental to Curlew Green.  Policy WLP 8.7 1.8 strategy of local plan expects 10% of growth in rural areas – whilst Curlew Green falls into this the fact remains the lane is unsuitable. 

The Committee report states lane fine to support development, on paper fine, but in reality totally unsuitable.  This is a fact Supported by local residents and parish councillors as both times presented to parish council it has been refused due to the unsuitability of lane.  In section 6.1 of committee report, the Ward Councillor states significant objections supporting local views.  

Finally Councillor Buttle noted there were two, 3 bed properties with planning permission awaiting construction adding the potential for increased traffic and parking, and asked was this taken into consideration – Application was DC/19/2324. 

The Chair invited question to the Parish Council.


Councillor Ashton asked for elaboration on the unsuitability of the lane. Councillor Buttle stated it was a designated quiet lane, very narrow where parking problems already exist making people park in the lane, making it difficult for vehicles to pass.


Councillor Plummer noted that the plans showed significant parking for vehicles to use.  Councillor Buttle replied it would be a problem during the build and would set a precedent, adding emergency vehicles struggle to get through at the moment.


Councillor Graham asked if it was more setting a precedent that was the concern?  Councillor Buttle concurred; as well as the choice of building materials, as there was no relevance to the traditional vernacular design, and it did not enhance the community. Councillor Buttle confirmed to Councillor Graham that there was more land to build on which, on paper looked fine, but in reality, wouldn’t work. 


Councillor Ewart referenced the tarmacking company at the top of the lane and the vehicles that passed through there. In response to drainage issues, Councillor Buttle said there were problems already and the proposal was for drainage to go into the lane.


Councillor Pitchers sought clarification on the definition of a designated quiet lane – Councillor Buttle confirmed it was used a lot by pedestrians, walkers, dog walkers and there was designated quiet lane signage.  Councillor Buttle was aware this was not restricting motorised traffic. 


Councillor Buttle confirmed it wasn’t a through road, but a horseshoe, with one dangerous entrance on the brow of a hill.


Councillor Buttle confirmed to Councillor Ashton that the resurfacing lorries go up and down Curlew Green, using both entrances, she added it was a small company.


There being no further questions, the Chair invited the applicant to speak. 


Mr R was speaking on behalf of parents in support of the application.  He told the Committee his parents live in Rosebank and have been part of the community for 37 years, they purchased land in 2010 to build a bungalow for them to move into for health reasons, as it was more suitable for their day to day needs.  The Parish council objected due to them considering Curlew Green an access road unsuitable for additional traffic.  Mr R stated it was important to note that the county highway authority have not objected, and see it as a minor increase.  The District Council concerns were regarding the previous 2 unit scheme.  No further representation has been made so these comments were irrelevant to the significantly revised single unit proposal. The site sits within a well-defined cluster of existing dwellings and conforms with SCLP 5.3.  The Councils Design and Heritage Team have no objections.  The application will deliver a modest bungalow of 109 sq m – accommodation designed for his parents future health needs.  Referring to the concerns regarding the access roads, Mr R stated there were regularly 20 tonne lorries delivering aggregates.  All have private driveways, no issue with the roads at all. Mr R asked that members approved the application.

The Chair invited questions to the applicant.


In response to Councillor Ewart it was confirmed that they were now discussing one property and that extra plant had been introduced and would provide cleansed water. 


There being no further questions the Chair invited the Committee to debate the application. 


Councillor Pitchers saw no problems with the application, having spent time defining what a cluster was he felt this property fits it perfectly.  The road was not a problem, and there was parking on site, therefore he proposed it was accepted. Councillor Ashdown stated everything had been clarified, it was single storey and conformed to policy and therefore was happy to second the proposal.


Councillor Ewart noted the reason it came forward to Committee was because it came to the Referral Committee, subsequently it has been worked on by the Officer; the lane is busy but parking is available onsite, although she did have concern about the design fitting in with the history. 

In response to Councillor Graham, the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management confirmed that there was no legislative tool to protect quiet lanes from future activity. There was no planning constraint, it was a lane with a range of rural activity on it and encouragement to reduce speeds and drive safely. 


In response to Councillor Ewart, the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management confirmed that if the application was approved, any second build would need to be its own application considered on its own merit.  This was for just one application.


On the proposition of Councillor Pitchers, seconded by Councillor Ashdown it was unanimously 




That the application be approved, subject to the following conditions:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun within a period of three years beginning with the date of this permission. 

Reason: In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as 


2. The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out other than in complete accordance with: 


 2392 2 rev F (Proposed Block Plan and Location Plan) received 06 June 2024 
 2392 4 rev C (Proposed Plan and Elevations) received 04 April 2024 
 Arboricultural Impact Assessment (OAS 23-340-AR01 Rev A) received 29 April 2024 
 Ecological Survey and Assessment (Essex Mammal Surveys, Nov 2023) received 19 December 2023
 2392 1 (Topographical Survey with Visibility Splay) received 19 December 2023 
 Reason: For avoidance of doubt as to what has been considered and approved. 

3. The materials and finishes shall be as indicated within the submitted application and thereafter retained as such, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the local planning authority. 

 Reason: To ensure the satisfactory appearance of the development in the interests of visual amenity 
4. Prior to completion or first occupation of the development hereby approved, whichever is the sooner; details of treatment of all parts on the site not covered by buildings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 

 The site shall be landscaped strictly in accordance with the approved details in the first planting season after completion or first occupation of the development, whichever is the sooner. Details shall include: 

 a. A scaled plan showing vegetation to be retained and trees and plants to be planted. 
 b. Proposed hardstanding and boundary treatment. 
 c. A schedule detailing sizes, numbers and species of all proposed trees/hedges. 
 d. Sufficient planting specifications and maintenance regimes to ensure successful establishment and survival of new planting.


 Any new trees or hedging plants that die, are removed, become severely damaged or diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced in the same or following planting season. Replacement planting shall be in accordance with the approved details (unless the Local Planning Authority gives its written consent to any variation). 

 Reason: Required to safeguard and enhance the character and amenity of the area, to provide ecological, environmental and biodiversity benefits and to maximise the quality and usability of open spaces within the development, and to enhance its setting within the immediate locality in accordance with Local Plan Policy SCLP10.4. 

5. Development must be undertaken in accordance with the ecological avoidance, mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures identified within the Ecological Survey and Assessment (Essex Mammal Surveys, 2023) as submitted with  the planning application and agreed in principle with the local planning authority prior to determination. 

 Reason: To ensure that ecological receptors are adequately protected and enhanced as part of the development 

6. No development shall commence or any materials, plant or machinery be brought on to the site, until the approved scheme of protective fencing (OAS 23-340-TS03 rev A) has been implemented. At no time during the development shall there be any materials, plant or equipment stored, or building or excavation works of any kind undertaken, beneath the canopies of the trees and hedges. All fencing shall be retained and maintained until the development is complete. 

 Reason: To protect the trees/hedgerow during the course of development in the interest of visual amenity. 

7. Prior to the installation of the proposed cycle storage structure details of the height, external appearance and materials of the cycle storage structure shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Only the approved details shall be installed. 

 Reason: In interest of visual amenity; the application did not include the necessary details for consideration. 

8. The use shall not commence until the area(s) within the site shown in Drawing No. 2392 2 rev F for the purposes of secure cycle storage has been provided, and thereafter, the area(s) shall be retained, maintained, and used for no other purposes. 

 Reason: To ensure that sufficient areas for secure cycle storage are provided in accordance with Suffolk Guidance for Parking (2023) to promote sustainable travel. 

9. Prior to the development hereby permitted being first occupied, vehicular visibility splays shall be provided as shown on Drawing No. 2392 1 with an X dimension of 2.4 metres and a Y dimension of 64 metres in the West direction and 120 metres in the East direction tangential to the nearside edge of the carriageway and thereafter retained in the specified form. Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 2 Class A of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no obstruction to visibility shall be erected, constructed, planted or permitted to grow over 0.6 metres high within the areas of the visibility splays. 

 Reason: To ensure drivers of vehicles entering the highway have sufficient visibility to manoeuvre safely including giving way to approaching users of the highway without them having to take avoiding action and to ensure drivers of vehicles on the public highway have sufficient warning of a vehicle emerging in order to take avoiding action, if necessary. 

10. Prior to the development hereby permitted being first occupied, the improved vehicular access onto the highway shall be properly surfaced with a bound material for a minimum distance of 5 metres measured from the nearside edge of the metalled carriageway, in accordance with details that shall have previously been submitted to and approved in writing by the  Local Planning Authority. 

 Reason: To ensure construction of a satisfactory access and to avoid unacceptable safety risks arising from materials deposited on the highway from the development. 

11. The gradient of the access driveway shall not be steeper than 1 in 12 measured from the nearside of the edge of the highway. 

 Reason: To avoid unacceptable safety risk from skidding vehicles and provide for pedestrian and cycling access. 

12. The use shall not commence until the area(s) within the site shown in Drawing No. 2392 2 rev F for the purposes of manoeuvring and parking of vehicles has been provided, and thereafter, that area(s) shall be retained and used for no other purposes. 

 Reason: To ensure that sufficient space for the on-site parking of vehicles is provided and maintained to ensure the provision of adequate on-site space for the parking and manoeuvring of vehicles where on-street parking and manoeuvring would be detrimental to highway safety to users of the highway.

13. Before the development is occupied, details of electric vehicle charging infrastructure shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the development is brought into use and shall be retained thereafter and used for no other purpose. 

 Reason: To ensure the provision of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in accordance with Suffolk Guidance for Parking (2023). 

14. The areas to be provided for the storage and presentation for collection/emptying of refuse and recycling bins as shown on Drawing No. 2392 2 rev F shall be provided in their entirety before the development is brought into use and shall be retained thereafter for no other purpose. 

 Reason: To ensure that space is provided for refuse and recycling bins to be stored and presented for emptying and left by operatives after emptying clear of the highway and access to avoid causing obstruction and dangers for the public using the highway. 

15. Prior to development proceeding above slab level, details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority showing the means to prevent the discharge of surface water from the development onto the highway including any system to dispose of the water. 

 The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the development is occupied and shall be retained thereafter in its approved form. 

 Reason: To prevent hazards caused by flowing water or ice on the highway. This is a pre-commencement condition because insufficient details have been submitted at planning stage. 

16. The existing building in the south-east corner of the site, shown to be retained on 2392 2 rev F, shall only be used for purposes ancillary or incidental to the use of the dwelling house hereby approved. 

 Reason: In order that the local planning authority may retain control over this particular form of development in the interests of amenity and the protection of the local environment; the retention of the existing building as part of the residential curtilage for any use not ancillary or incidental to the approved dwelling would not be appropriate. 

17. Noise from fixed plant or machinery (e.g., heat pumps, compressors, extractor systems, air conditioning plant or refrigeration plant) can be annoying and disruptive. This is particularly the case when noise is impulsive or has tonal characteristics. A noise assessment shall therefore be submitted prior to the installation of any fixed plant or machinery which include all proposed plant and machinery and be based on BS4142:2014+A1:2019. A noise rating level (LAr) of at least 5dB below the typical background sound level (LA90,T) should be achieved at the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Where the noise rating level cannot be achieved, the noise mitigation measures considered should be explained and the achievable noise level should be identified and justified. 

 Reason: In the interests of amenity and the protection of the local environment.

18. In the event that contamination which has not already been identified to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) is found or suspected on the site it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. Unless agreed in writing by the LPA no further development (including any construction, demolition, site clearance, removal of underground tanks and relic structures) shall take place until this condition has been complied with in its entirety. 

 An investigation and risk assessment must be completed in accordance with a scheme which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken by competent persons (see Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework) and conform with prevailing guidance (including BS8485:2015+A1:2019, BS 10175:2011+A2:2017 and Land Contamination Risk Management) and a written report of the findings must be produced. The written report is subject to the review and confirmation in writing by the Local Planning Authority that likely risks have been identified and will be investigated accordingly. 

 Where remediation is necessary a detailed Remediation Strategy (RS) must be prepared, and is subject to the review and confirmation in writing by the Local Planning Authority as likely to address the risks identified. The RS must include detailed methodologies for all works to be undertaken, site management procedures, proposed remediation objectives and remediation criteria. The RS must be carried out in its entirety and the Local Planning Authority must be given two weeks written notification prior to the commencement of the remedial works. 

 Following completion of the remediation strategy a verification report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation must be submitted to, reviewed by and confirmed in writing by the LPA as likely to have addressed the risks identified. 

 Reason: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors.


Report of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management.

The Committee received report ES/2032 of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management which related to planning application DC/24/1440/FUL.  The application was for the replacement of a garden shed with a similarly sized new structure in the same location to be used as a domestic garden studio. The application was automatically referred under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation due to the applicant being closely related to an elected Member.


The Committee received a presentation from the Principal Planner, on behalf of the Case Officer for the application.  The Committee was shown an aerial site photograph and a map of the location.  The proposed block plans were shared along with the existing shed dimensions and the proposed elevations of the garden studio.  Photographs showing the site in context from various views were shared.   The recommendation to delegate authority to the Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management to approve the application for planning permission was outlined to the Committee.


There being no questions or debate, on the proposition of Councillor Ashton and seconded by Councillor Ashdown it was by a unanimous vote 




To approve, subject to the conditions below.


1.The development hereby permitted shall be begun within a period of three years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason: In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in all respects strictly in accordance with the following:

Site Location Plan Drawing 2351.1

 Proposed Block Plan Drawing 2351.3

 Proposed Floor Plan and Elevations Drawing 2351.4

received 07 May 2024, for which permission is hereby granted or which are subsequently submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and in compliance with any conditions imposed by the Local Planning Authority.


 Reason: For the avoidance of doubt as to what has been considered and approved. 

3. The materials and finishes shall be as indicated within the submitted application and thereafter retained as such, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the local planning authority. 

Reason: To ensure the satisfactory appearance of the development in the interests of visual amenity

There are no Exempt or Confidential items for this Agenda.



Attended - Other Members
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Officers present:   Eleanor Attwood (Planner), Joe Blackmore(Principal Planner (Development Management, North Area Lead)), Katy Cassidy (Democratic Services Officer), Mia Glass (Enforcement Planner),  Agnes Ogundiran (Conservative Political Group Support Officer), Ben Woolnough (Head of Planning, Building Control and Coastal Management)