The Committee received report ES/2104 of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Resources and Value for Money, which related to the process required to meet the Government’s backstop dates for all old year audits. For East Suffolk Council this related to the 2021/22 and 2022/23 Statement of Accounts. Councillor Langdon-Morris confirmed that disclaimed opinions would be provided for these accounts and that one completion report would cover all open years. The draft Annual Governance Statements (AGS) for both years would also be finalised alongside the Statement of Accounts.
Councillor Lynch asked what would the delay be if an issue was found in these accounts, considering the current lack of capacity. David Riglar (Ernst & Young) stated that no additional work was being done on the legacy accounts, only the value for money work which was outstanding. Therefore no changes would be expected. Mr Riglar confirmed these would be delivered by the backstop date.
Councillor Byatt asked what the additional costs would be to the Council from this backlog. The Chief Finance Officer confirmed that funding had been received for additional costs occurred with backlog. Mr Riglar stated that work was being done by the Public Sector Audit Appointments to confirm what, if any, additional costs there would be.
Councillor Byatt referred to the high number of freedom of information requests mentioned in the report, and asked how the Council coped with managing these. The Head of Internal Audit stated that a report would be received at a future meeting which would include information on freedom of information requests and a breakdown of the types of requests received. In general the Council was quite efficient in dealing with these, as most of the information was published online.
Councillor Byatt asked for an update on the breach of the rent standard. The Chief Finance Officer stated the refund process was ongoing, and additional information from the Head of Housing would be emailed to the committee.
Councillor Speca proposed that the first recommendation in the report be removed so that the Committee could sign off the repots at their meeting on the 9 December. Officers confirmed that they could facilitate this, but the reports might not be published on the same day as the agenda for that meeting.
On the proposal of Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Speca it was by a unanimous vote
That the Audit and Governance Committee approve the final Annual Governance Statements for 2021/22 and 2022/23.