The following questions from Members have been submitted in pursuance of paragraph 29.4 of the Council Procedure Rules:
Question 1 from Councillor Janet Craig to Councillor Jan Candy, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Community Health:
In October this year Healthwatch Suffolk produced a Report entitled ‘Tackling Poverty Together’. Based on a two-year project, the Report was delivered in co-production with people with lived experience of financial hardship, alongside leaders across the public and private sector.
The Report states it was vital that to create positive change, voices of those that experience poverty must be included. It was inspired by similar models across the nation known as ‘Poverty Truth Commissions’ that challenge a traditional approach led by professionals, leaders and front-line workers, and shifts the dynamic to ensure community partners share power and insights, to create solutions together.
Where new ideas have been identified by this innovative approach, can we investigate further whether any of the Recommendations from the Report can be adopted in East Suffolk and feedback any positive outcomes as a result?
Question 2 from Councillor Peter Byatt to Councillor Caroline Topping, Leader of the Council:
Following a freedom of information request, a recent LGA report noted that Councils had approved at least 731 staff requests to work from abroad in 2023.
What is this Council’s view on staff working from abroad?
Question 3 from Councillor Mark Jepson to Councillor Caroline Topping, Leader of the Council:
Local business owner, David runs a SME in Felixstowe, he anticipates that as a result of the increase in National Insurance contributions he will have to find an additional £32,000 a year. David is not alone - he perhaps represents the average SME in East Suffolk.
What measures are in place to increase the footfall in our towns for local businesses and maintain consistency? How regularly are initiatives to support economic development being monitored against expenditure and outcomes?
The current administration understandably put the environment at the heart of their priorities. How can they reassure business owners that they will respond accordingly to the rapid changes and measures introduced by the current government?
Question 4 from Councillor Myles Scrancher to Councillor Sally Noble, Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Environment:
In July 2019, this Council declared a climate emergency, consequently a cross-party Environment Task Group was established to action steps to meet the Council’s challenge of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
What are East Suffolk Council’s current carbon emissions and what are the administrations largest planned initiatives to reduce carbon emissions as a means of reaching carbon neutrality by 2030?
Question 5 from Councillor Letitia Smith to Councillor David Beavan, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing:
In January 2023, this Council agreed to support Discretionary Disabled Facilities (DDFG) & Repair Adaptations Funding (RAF) grants - non means tested grants with a maximum amount of £500 -£15,000 & £15,000 - £30,000. The full cost of the necessary adaptation works, up to this figure will be covered by the grant, irrespective of the applicant’s income and capital resources.
Cllr Beavan, please provide the following:
a) The figures for the numbers of applications received for each non means tested grant scheme per year 2023/2024 and a breakdown of the areas in which residents live in East Suffolk to make sure the money is available across the Council area.
b) How many applications have been made in full for DDFG & RAF, what percentage have been accepted each per year and of that total how many fully completed in that timescale?
Question 6 from Councillor Letitia Smith to Councillor David Beavan, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing:
It is this Councils desire to improve and grow the economic and social wellbeing of East Suffolk as a district.
At November’s Full Council meeting, we asked Cllr Beavan whether the list of Assets held by us as a Council had been fully investigated for economic development opportunities. He confirmed that he was aware that this work had been carried out by the Assets Team and no opportunities had been detected.
Cllr Beavan, please explain in more detail how this work was approached by the Asset team with your involvement and highlight how their conclusion was reached.
Question 7 from Councillor Colin Hedgley to Councillor Caroline Topping, Leader of the Council:
I watched the last Full Council meeting via YouTube from home due to illness.
I noted that ten others were also watching. Further investigation highlighted that very few also watched a committee meeting.
Could you provide me with the average audience figures for 2024 for: -
1. The Full Council meetings.
2. Other Committee meetings.
Additionally, what are the annual costs, if any, of providing all YouTube coverage for East Suffolk Council meetings in total.
Question 8 from Councillor Paul Ashdown to Councillor Caroline Topping, Leader of the Council:
A councillor from Blundeston Parish Council would like to know why East Suffolk Council chose to pay for a flyer advising every household of the Christmas and New Year waste collections and on the same day have a magazine delivered which had the same flyer as a back cover?
Running both seems like an unnecessary expense and a questionable use of taxpayer’s money.
What was the cost of producing and distributing the additional flyers?