Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Full Council
24 Jul 2024 - 18:30 to 22:18
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Meeting Details

Members are invited to a Meeting of the Full Council

to be held in the Deben Conference Room, East Suffolk House, Melton

on Wednesday, 24 July 2024 at 6:30pm


This meeting will be broadcast to the public via the East Suffolk YouTube Channel at 

Open To The Public
1 Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence, if any.

2 Declarations of Interest

Members and Officers are invited to make any declarations of interests, and the nature of that interest, that they may have in relation to items on the Agenda and are also reminded to make any declarations at any stage during the Meeting if it becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is considered.

3 Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chair, the Leader of the Council, members of the Cabinet, or the Chief Executive, in accordance with paragraph 28.2 of the Council Procedure Rules.

4 pdf Minutes (119Kb)
To agree the minutes of the meeting held on the 22 May 2024
5 Questions from the Public

The following question(s) has/have been submitted by the public in pursuance of paragraph 29.1 of the Council Procedure Rules:


Question from Mr John Ellerby to Councillor Yule, Cabinet Member for Planning and Coastal Management


In response to the 2013 floods, Lowestoft Flood Protection programme was developed. This strategic capital project, including the construction of flood walls and a tidal barrier, was originally planned for completion in 2020.


These planned strategic flood protection measures were included in the Lowestoft area strategy and flood risk sections of the Waveney Local Plan, adopted by ESC in March 2019.


Indeed, the tidal barrier was identified as a critical element of Lowestoft’s flood defences in the flood risk assessment submitted by ESC in January 2020 as part of the planning application for the construction of the flood walls.


Since the local plan was adopted there have been significant changes made to national policy on flood risk in the National Planning Policy Framework 2023 and in the National Planning Practice Guidance. The climate change allowances produced by the Government for use in flood risk assessments have also been updated.


In March 2024 less than two months after calling a halt to the tidal barrier project ESC, in accordance with statutory regulations, reviewed the Local Plan and concluded that an updated Plan was not needed at this time.


Would the Cabinet member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management comment on the form the (March 2024 Local Plan) review took (ie how it was done), and how the decision not to update the Local Plan was made? 

6 Questions from Members

The following question(s) from Members has/have been submitted in pursuance of paragraph 29.4 of the Council Procedure Rules:


Question from Councillor Paul Ashdown, to Councillor Tom Daly, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Energy and Climate Change


Regarding the GLI’s position on the Lion Link and Sea Link projects, Cllr Beavan stated "We don’t want any cables coming through East Suffolk carrying electricity that we do not use or need.


"For three years, we have been calling for an offshore grid to take the electricity to where it is needed – up the Thames Estuary – just like the rest of Europe do with their windfarm energy."


 How are you going to ensure that we will not have electric cables passing through East Suffolk?


Question from Councillor Mark Jepson, to the Leader, Councillor Caroline Topping.


In 2022 the Secretary of State determined that Sizewell C would proceed, despite this, the focus of the Green Party at the 2023 election was to stop the construction. 


During their time, the Conservative administration’s position (should the project proceed) was to seek the best possible outcomes for East Suffolk in terms of employment, economy, and the environment.


It is now the current administration’s responsibility to ensure best outcomes by working with stakeholders of major organisations who will deliver the project. 


Does the Leader think it was wise to publish a photograph of the Cabinet (in May 2024) with a ‘Stop Sizewell’ banner? Surely the focus should now be on working for best outcomes and not objecting to a national infrastructure programme agreed back in 2022.


Question from Councillor Peter Byatt to Councillor Caroline Topping, Leader of the Council


 A number of residents have been in contact with ward members about the activities of contractors who are installing cabling for fibre-broadband across Lowestoft. It seems that these contractors are arriving on scene and proceeding to dig up pavements and verges outside homes and businesses without any prior notice.


What measures can this Council take to ensure that this inconsiderate practice is discontinued and that timely notice of random trench-digging is provided?


Question from Councillor Malcolm Pitchers to Councillor Caroline Topping, Leader of the Council


We have seen a draft Environmental Impact Plan that stated how the Environmental Theme of the new Strategic Plan will be addressed, and there is a Theme Day confirmed for the Sustainable Housing part of the plan, but can you advise when will we see the final action plans and, once all four are available, will we receive a briefing and presentation on each theme and the priorities within them as before, as well as updated KPI’s?

7 Notices of Motion

The following Motion(s) has/have been submitted in pursuance of paragraph 31.1 Council Procedure Rules:


Tree and Hedgerow Strategy


Proposer: Councillor Sally Noble

Seconder: Councillor Rachel Smith-Lyte


This Council notes that:


1. Europe’s total land area has forest cover comprising 47%, whereas the UK forests cover just 12% of land. Trees are vital in combatting climate change due to their ability to remove excess carbon dioxide from the environment, reduce flooding, filter air pollutants and provide wildlife habitats. 


2. Precedent for concerted action is evidenced by Leicestershire County Council, who have a ‘Tree for Every Person’ scheme, aiming to plant 700,000 over the next 10 years and have a scheme allowing residents to apply for a free tree or hedge to replace those lost to diseases . Mid Suffolk District Council have a dedicated ‘Parish Tree Planting Project’, which is a scheme to provide parishes and community groups with free trees as well as hedgerows and wildflower seeds.


3. In 2023, Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils worked with the Woodland Trust to make a call for land to increase the district’s tree coverage and improve biodiversity .


4. Protecting existing trees and planting new trees is a vital role in tackling the climate and biodiversity and ecological emergencies already declared by ESC. In completing this, we understand the necessity of external funding and additional resources, and are actively seeking these wherever possible.


5. Our officers receive many complaints about trees, and we wish to impress upon the public the vital importance of trees in protecting our environment.


 This Council resolves to:


1. Develop a Tree and Hedgerow Strategy. In the process of doing so, actively seek input and feedback from stakeholders, residents, community groups, and experts to identify key priorities and actions whilst considering long term implications. 


2. Issue a call for land enabling landowners to put forward spaces for tree planting.


3. Complete the ongoing work of mapping and baselining tree canopy cover in the district, and complete a tree opportunity map for ESC owned land. As a result of this work, develop a strategy to enable 250,000 trees to be planted across East Suffolk, increasing canopy cover by 1%.


4. Acknowledge that town and parish councils and the tree wardens play a key goal in reaching ecological targets, and as such commit to providing more resources, for example: tree aftercare, support of The Suffolk Tree Warden Network, and strengthening communication to identify areas where ESC can provide targeted help.


5. We will promote the importance of Street Trees with the County Council, both existing trees and as part of new developments. Promoting the value of street trees and recognising that they are not just a maintenance burden.


Decision Wheel Motion


 Proposer: Councillor Peter Byatt

Seconder: Councillor Rosie Smithson


 This Council notes that:


1. It is responding to climate change by declaring a Climate Emergency in July 2019 and committing to reach net zero CO2e emissions by 2030.


2. It has a duty to consider social justice and a fair transition to net zero.


3. With cross party support, in 2023 the Green, Liberal Democrat and Independent administration launched its new strategy, ‘Our Direction’, to deliver a new focus on the environment alongside a thriving economy, the housing challenge and tackling inequalities.


4. All Councils have complex, competing priorities when serving their communities; within the four themes and thirty-two priorities of ‘Our Direction’ there is potential for conflict where trade-offs must be made.


5. Cornwall Council has responded to similar trade-offs by adopting a visual ‘Decision Making Wheel’, which is a simple graphic tool that helps to show, and then weigh, how the consequences of potential projects and decisions could affect the environment and people.


This Council resolves to:


 1. Investigate the adoption of an East Suffolk version of Cornwall Council’s ‘Decision Making Wheel’ for all Cabinet and Full Council decisions, as a means to ensure that decisions made that combat climate change do not disadvantage the people of East Suffolk, and that decisions that may initially seem to benefit the community do not draw too heavily on what our environment can stand.


Report from the Leader of the Council in relation to the petition that has been received in pursuance of paragraph 30.1 of the Council Procedure Rules:


Save The Grove Eastward Ho playing fields and surrounding area


 "According to your latest plan proposals for the North Felixstowe Development, apart from building around Grove Woodlands as well as on adjacent farmlands, Eastward Ho playing fields are going to be redeveloped to allow 125 homes to be built there (this is the proposed building on stable land and Eastward Ho only). Your lead mission statement says "leisure led development comprising green infrastructure, community facilities". I can't help thinking that this is marketing speak for destroying what is already a well-known location that is leisure led, comprising green infrastructure.


 What Eastward Ho desperately needs is improved changing rooms for teams, and improved facilities for groundsman. Improved drainage (something that new building rarely helps with). The neglected children's play area also needs renovating. These are factors that should be looked at before destroying local green space. Eastward Ho doesn’t need making smaller when the town is growing (two new developments already built and a third underway) - the town needs to keep its large open areas for families and public to meet and play without having to prebook or spend money to access playing fields.


 We all are regular users of the Eastward Ho playing fields for kickabouts, kite flying, games, picnics, and using the play area and outdoor gym.


 Surely any development should focus on brownfield and then private land / farmland before destroying one of the towns few public access playing fields with full size football pitches and other leisure offerings."

Report of the Leader of the Council
Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Environment.
Report of the Chair of the Council 
Report of the Leader of the Council
Report of the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Community Health 
Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management. 
Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management. 
Report of the Leader of the Council 
17 Exempt/Confidential Items

It is recommended that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.     

18 East Suffolk Housing Pathway
  • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
  1. ES-2043 East Suffolk Housing Pathway
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
    1. ES-2043 Appendix A
      • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
    2. ES-2043 Appendix B
      • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
19 Lowestoft Towns Fund Budget Reallocation
  • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
  1. ES-2055 Lowestoft Town Fund Reallocation
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction


Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting