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Business Item
Acquisition of new Refuse Collection Vehicles
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 9 Apr 2024
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Environment.
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
To acquire new refuse collection vehicles.
Service Area
Service Area 2
Not Applicable
Contact for Background Papers:
Background Papers:
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made

1.  That the virement of £300,000 from the capital budget 24/25 Bath Tap Terrace allocation to the £2 million capital budget allocated to operational vehicles and equipment for 24/25 be approved. 

2.  That the expenditure of £2.3 million from the 24/25 capital programme for the purchase of 10 new RCV’s from the operational vehicles and equipment budget be approved.

Reason for Decision

To ensure continuity of service and an efficient, adaptable and resilient waste & recycling collection service for East Suffolk.

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Whilst this report recommends the purchase of 10 RCV’s there is also an option to hire these vehicles. It costs approximately £1,300 per week to hire an RCV, this would therefore equate to £67,600 per RCV per year. A total of 10 RCV’s per year would cost £676,000.

Using an estimated life of 7 years for an RCV, hire cost for 10 RCV’s would be substantially more compared to the purchasing costs. Also, at the end of the 7 years an owned vehicle will have a residual value.


In conclusion, the preferred method of replacement would be to purchase, this provides better value for money, however this requires a comprehensive vehicle replacement programme to be worked up to ensure that peak levels of future replacement are avoided in the future. ESSL are working on such a strategy. 

Any Declarations of Interest Declared

Mr Jarvis, Strategic Director, and Mr Khan, Strategic Director, both declared that they were Directors of ESSL.

Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

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Overview and Scrutiny

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 18.
27/03/2024 14:50:58Matt MakinBusiness Item Created 
27/03/2024 14:50:58Matt MakinCommittee AddedCabinet
27/03/2024 14:50:58Matt MakinMeeting Added09/04/2024 6:00PM
27/03/2024 14:51:58 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/1920)
27/03/2024 14:51:58Matt MakinStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
28/03/2024 11:33:21Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
28/03/2024 11:33:35Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
28/03/2024 11:35:16Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
28/03/2024 11:42:54Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
28/03/2024 15:13:06Matt MakinStatus ChangedDecision Proposed [2]


No history found.