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Business Item
Southwold Harbour North Pier Fender Repair
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 3 Nov 2020
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Planning and Coastal Management and the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Resources
Matter for Decision (to consider...)

1. That damage to the Southwold Harbour North Pier fender is repaired by works in Spring 2021 at an estimated cost of up to  £1.1 million, including risk. 


2. That the work is funded from a combination of existing East Suffolk Council Coastal Management capital budget and reserves of £570,000, and a new allocation of up to £530,000 from the General Fund budget.


3. That provision is made in the 2021/22 capital budget for the new capital expenditure.

Service Area
Planning & Coastal Management
Service Area 2
Not Applicable
Contact for Background Papers:
Background Papers:
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made

1. That damage to the Southwold Harbour North Pier fender is repaired by works in Spring 2021 at an estimated cost of up to  £1,100,000 including risk. 


2. That the work is funded through a combination of the existing Coastal Management capital budget (£400,000) and a new allocation of up to £700,000 form the General Fund capital budget, with the final amount to be confirmed after a retender or following negotiation with previous tenderers.


3. That provision is made in the 2021/22 capital budget for the new capital expenditure.

Reason for Decision

1. The earliest works start date is February 2021 if it is possible to negotiate a new tender price with one of the 2 spring 2020 bidders and subject to the issue of an amended Marine Licence.  The risks associated with winter working will probably increase the already high tender sum.  


2. The alternative (Option B) is for a retender, or a negotiation with the previous tenderers, leading to works in more favourable and low risk weather conditions in spring that may result in a significant cost saving if beach access is possible.  


3. The net benefits of Option B outweigh the those of Option A. 


4. Option C does not provide a certain cost saving.


5. Option D is not acceptable to most stakeholders and creates unacceptable reputational and financial risks to the Council.

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

A – Attempt to negotiate with the spring 2020 tender bidders to achieve the earliest possible site start date


Money.  Assuming a total Coastal Management budget allocation of £570,000 the funding gap is estimated at up to £530,000. This may reduce if EA grant is awarded.


Pros.  Marine safety is improved asap.  ESC reputation is improved asap.  Risk of further fender damage is reduced.


Cons.  Amendments to the Marine Licence will delay the earliest start date to January / February 2021.  This is mid-winter and will increase the weather cost risk.


B – Defer work to spring 2021 in hope of obtaining more and lower bids


Money.  Assuming a total Coastal Management budget allocation of £570,000 the funding gap is estimated at up to £530,000.  This may reduce if EA grant is awarded. 


Pros.  Shoreline conditions in spring 2021 will be more favourable than winter possibly allowing a lower-cost beach access option and probably with a lower weather downtime cost.  A new tender process post-Covid19 may produce more competitive prices for a marine access option.


Cons.  The extent of damage may increase requiring more capital repair work than in current scope.  There will be increased risk to harbour users from an extended period of reduced protection.   The reputation of the Council may suffer from criticism for another delay.


C – Increase the scope of works to replace the whole seaward fender length


It is increasing difficult to gain access to the seaward fender to allow major works.  The mobilisation cost of the required equipment is high.  There is an argument to maximise use of the equipment once in place to delay the time to the next mobilisation.  The maximum works option is to replace ~30m of seaward fender, including those remaining parts installed in 2008.


Money.  The cost of this option may be up to £1,500,000 assuming marine access, much less if by land access.


Pros. Will delay the need for capital renewal costs to the seaward fender for 20-25 years.


Cons.  The channel fender will probably need capital renewal works within 5-10 years   probably involving marine access.  If so, this will provide an opportunity to do works to the seaward fender, if required.


D – Do not repair the damaged and missing seaward fender parts


Based upon the 2020 tender returns the cost of sustaining a fender at this location are extremely high.  The rate/m is ~£50,000.  This compares with a range of ~£3,000/m to ~£15,000/m for recent coastal defence works in Suffolk.  


This raises questions including:

What have been the negative consequences of a part failed seaward fender since 2017?  What are the risks to the Council of not replacing it?  Do the benefits of an intact seaward fender justify the high cost of sustaining it?


These questions have been posed before.  The response of the majority of consultees is that a fender at this location is required. 

Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 14.
22/10/2020 15:16:22Matt MakinBusiness Item Created 
22/10/2020 15:16:22Matt MakinCommittee AddedCabinet
22/10/2020 15:16:22Matt MakinMeeting Added03/11/2020 6:30PM
22/10/2020 15:16:47Matt MakinWard AddedSouthwold
22/10/2020 15:17:07 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/0548)
22/10/2020 15:17:07Matt MakinStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
22/10/2020 15:22:25Matt MakinReport AddedDocument ID 7508: ES-0548 Southwold Harbour North Pier Fender Repair
03/11/2020 19:20:55Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
04/11/2020 09:23:52Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
05/11/2020 09:09:37Maxine GreenStatus ChangedDecision Subject To Call In [3]


No history found.