Decision Details

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Business Item
Wellington Esplanade Lawn Lowestoft
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 5 Nov 2019
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economic Development  
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
Lease to the Council as tenant  
Service Area
Service Area 2
Not Applicable
Contact for Background Papers:
Tony Rudd, Valuer  
Background Papers:
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made

1.  That the proposal made by the landlord to renew the lease of the Wellington Lawn Lowestoft be accepted


2. That, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economic Development, delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director to agree the final terms for the lease and the time-frame for completion of the lease that best protected the interests of the Council together with the provision of any confirmation of the decision

Reason for Decision

The proposed renewal represented a continuation of current arrangements and would be in line with the East Suffolk Business Plan.


The exact detail of the lease might need to change during drafting as details of the proposed re-modelling project become clearer. Factors including the success or otherwise of any external funding bids and any time-related aspects of these would need to be taken into account. 


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
The main alternative would be to not renew the lease after expiry in 2021. This might mean that Wellington Lawn would cease to be a garden available to the public after that date. 
Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Kirkley and Pakefield


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

This section allows you to view the reports for the Decision.

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 16.
21/10/2019 10:02:57Karen CookBusiness Item Created 
21/10/2019 10:02:57Karen CookCommittee AddedCabinet
21/10/2019 10:02:57Karen CookMeeting Added05/11/2019 6:30PM
21/10/2019 10:03:48Karen CookWard AddedKirkley and Pakefield
22/10/2019 09:34:28 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/0184)
22/10/2019 09:34:28Karen CookStatus ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
22/10/2019 09:35:00Karen CookGeneral Details Edited 
22/10/2019 10:34:52Karen CookGeneral Details Edited 
25/10/2019 11:26:43Karen CookReport AddedDocument ID 3203: ES-0184 - Wellington Esplanade Lawn Lowestoft
07/11/2019 09:42:23Katherine AbbottStatus ChangedDecision Subject To Call In [3]


No history found.