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Business Item
Relocating Customer Services to Lowestoft Library
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 7 May 2024
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Corporate Services - Digital, Customer Services, HR and Assets
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
The relocation of the Customer Service Centre 
Service Area
Service Area 2
Contact for Background Papers:

Tom Darling-Fernley

Customer Experience Development Manager
Background Papers:
See attached report
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made

1. That the relocation of the Council’s public reception and core contact centre from Marina Centre to within part of Lowestoft Library be approved.


2. That it be approved that the Council enters into (a) a five-year lease with Suffolk County Council for the core contact centre space and (b) a five-year licence to occupy with Suffolk’s Libraries IPS Ltd for the public reception and back-office spaces.


3. That an additional budget in the capital programme of £165,000 to support the relocation be approved, and for this to be profiled across 2024-25 and 2025-26 as per paragraph 4.4 of report ES/1935.


4. That the use of Customer Services’ existing revenue reserves to fund the addition to the capital programme be approved.

Reason for Decision

1. To secure a sustainable, medium-term future for face-to-face services in the district’s largest town, in ways that build partnerships with other agencies and work towards a more developed solution in the long term.


2. To support the Council’s strategic imperatives as well as its emerging service principles.

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

1. Remaining in the Marina Centre.


2. Relocating to another town centre location.


3. To withdraw from Lowestoft town centre.

Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Aldeburgh and Leiston; Beccles and Worlingham; Bungay and Wainford; Carlford and Fynn Valley; Carlton and Whitton; Carlton Colville; Deben; Eastern Felixstowe; Framlingham; Gunton and St Margarets; Halesworth and Blything; Harbour and Normanston; Kelsale and Yoxford; Kesgrave; Kessingland; Kirkley and Pakefield; Lothingland; Martlesham and Purdis Farm; Melton; Orwell and Villages; Oulton Broad; Rendlesham and Orford; Rushmere St Andrew; Saxmundham; Southwold; Western Felixstowe; Wickham Market; Woodbridge; Wrentham, Wangford and Westleton


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 5, items 1 to 10 of 43.
24/04/2024 02:10:34Lorraine FitchBusiness Item Created 
24/04/2024 02:10:34Lorraine FitchCommittee AddedCabinet
24/04/2024 02:10:34Lorraine FitchMeeting Added07/05/2024 6:00PM
24/04/2024 02:11:06Lorraine FitchWard AddedAldeburgh and Leiston
24/04/2024 02:11:06Lorraine FitchWard AddedBeccles and Worlingham
24/04/2024 02:11:06Lorraine FitchWard AddedBungay and Wainford
24/04/2024 02:11:06Lorraine FitchWard AddedCarlford and Fynn Valley
24/04/2024 02:11:06Lorraine FitchWard AddedCarlton and Whitton
24/04/2024 02:11:06Lorraine FitchWard AddedCarlton Colville
24/04/2024 02:11:06Lorraine FitchWard AddedDeben


No history found.