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Business Item
First Light Festival 2022
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 7 Sep 2021
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economic Development, and the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Communities, Leisure and Tourism
Matter for Decision (to consider...)

1. That Cabinet notes the significant positive impact of the First Light Festival to the local economy and communities and the positive response to the Longest Days of Summer 2021.  


2. That Cabinet agrees to support the 2022 First Light Festival with a grant of £200,000 comprising the already allocated £114,277 from the Business Rate Pilot Reserve and a further £85,723 growth to the General Fund in 2022/23.

Service Area
Service Area 2
Economic Development & Regeneration
Contact for Background Papers:

Paul Wood

Head of Economic Development and Regeneration 

Background Papers:
See attached report.
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made
1.That the significant positive impact of the First Light Festival to the local economy and communities and the positive response to the Longest Days of Summer 2021 be noted. 
2. That the 2022 First Light Festival with a grant of £200,000 comprising the already allocated £114,277 from the Business Rate Pilot Reserve and a further £85,723 growth to the General Fund in 2022/23, be supported. 
Reason for Decision

The FLF has proven that when a full festival programme is delivered it achieves substantial economic, social and community outputs and outcomes, including raising pride and aspiration, job creation, volunteering opportunities and increased direct and indirect spend. In addition, it has demonstrated the ability to attract visitors from beyond the usual tourist catchment areas. The hugely positive profile of this event also mitigates some of the more negative perceptions of the town and combined with the massive business and infrastructure investment taking place highlights Lowestoft as a growing, dynamic and exciting place to be.

ESC has recently submitted a joint expression of interest with Great Yarmouth BC to become the UK City of Culture 2025. If successful, this will create a step change in investment in the local cultural and creative sector and put Lowestoft (and ES) on the map at a national and international level. The First Light Festival is a significant cultural event which has strengthened the bid and a decision to not fund a full programme could damage the outcome of the bid. If the bid is successful however, this has the potential to substantially increase the scale and ambition of future festivals.

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not to financially support the festival in 2022, which will cut the budget by 50% and will significantly impact on the delivery, scale and ambition.
Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Kirkley and Pakefield


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Overview and Scrutiny

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 16.
18/08/2021 11:15:44Nicola WottonBusiness Item Created 
18/08/2021 11:15:44Nicola WottonCommittee AddedCabinet
18/08/2021 11:15:44Nicola WottonMeeting Added07/09/2021 6:30PM
18/08/2021 11:16:33Nicola WottonWard AddedKirkley and Pakefield
18/08/2021 11:17:10 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/0870)
18/08/2021 11:17:10Nicola WottonStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
26/08/2021 10:50:57Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
26/08/2021 10:52:55Matt MakinReport AddedDocument ID 12454: ES-0870 First Light Festival 2022
27/08/2021 11:16:51Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
08/09/2021 12:24:48Karen CookStatus ChangedDecision Subject To Call In [3]


No history found.