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Business Item
Results of the Task and Finish Group on Procurement
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 13 Jul 2021
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Assistant Cabinet Member for Economic Development
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
To inform members of the findings of the Task and Finish Group and agree the recommendations set out in the Procurement Strategy Document
Service Area
Service Area 2
Not Applicable
Contact for Background Papers:
Mark Fisher
Background Papers:

Equality Impact Assessment


Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made
That the recommendations of the Member and Officer based Task and Finish Group be approved, which are:
1) Approving the action plan and outcomes in Task and Finish Group Report ( Appendix 1)
2) Creating a cross departmental project – to include consultation with members -  to produce:
a) Revised procurement processes that support the new policy
b) a Social Value and Sustainable Procurement Policy linked to our Strategic Plan to
embed social value as a keystone to all council activity and
c) implement the action plan attached to the report
3) That as part of the work of the project group, a social value calculator tool is identified
and purchased to inform decision making, with a maximum budget of £50k
4) That East Suffolk Council commissions work from the East of England Local Government Association to carry out a review of procurement processes, and a ‘health check’ to identify any changes that need to be made to implement the new policy.
Reason for Decision
Better use of added value, procurement processes, social value and local supply chains could improve the opportunities for those living and working in East Suffolk.
As a major spender in the local economy, the Council has an ability to local benefit in a way that is not currently fully understood or measured. The proposals in this paper would ensure that this local benefit can be maximised.
Proposed changes will ensure that local suppliers are able to bid more easily for work with East Suffolk Council. 
A social value measurement tool – such as the Social Value Calculator – will enable ESC to measure the wider benefit of it’s spending in areas such as the local economy, and the environment.
Working with internal and external stakeholders – including members – in a more proactive way, and starting earlier on procurement processes, means that the procurement process will help the council deliver its strategic objectives more easily.
A cross departmental project will improve the communication between teams, and encourage a more collaborative approach to procurement. 
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Maintain the current position with a mainly traditional procurement process with ad hoc pockets of innovation, Social Value, and integration with Strategic Aims.
Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

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Overview and Scrutiny

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 14.
22/06/2021 10:07:29Karen CookBusiness Item Created 
22/06/2021 10:07:29Karen CookCommittee AddedCabinet
22/06/2021 10:07:29Karen CookMeeting Added13/07/2021 6:30PM
22/06/2021 10:07:57 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/0824)
22/06/2021 10:07:57Karen CookStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
30/06/2021 14:04:54Karen CookGeneral Details Edited 
01/07/2021 11:48:17Matt MakinReport AddedDocument ID 11762: ES-0824 Results of the Task and Finish Group on Procurement
01/07/2021 14:38:16Matt MakinGeneral Details Edited 
05/07/2021 10:49:32Matt MakinStatus ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
14/07/2021 12:17:32Karen CookStatus ChangedDecision Subject To Call In [3]


No history found.