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Business Item
Renaissance of East Anglia Fishing (REAF) Strategy
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 1 Oct 2019
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economic Development
Matter for Decision (to consider...)

To endorse the draft REAF strategy.

To delegate responsibility for any subsequent minor changes to the strategy to the Head of Economic Development and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet member for Economic Development.

Subject to DEFRA’s agreement, work in partnership with REAF to progress the strategy’s recommendations, supports the creation of the new REAF group in line with the strategy and also supports the group’s efforts to secure external funding to progress implementation of the strategy.

Service Area
Economic Development & Regeneration
Service Area 2
Not Applicable
Contact for Background Papers:

Paul Wood, Head of Economic Development & Regeneration

Jason Berry, Economic Development Manager

Background Papers:
Not applicable
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made
1. That the draft REAF strategy be endorsed. 

2. That responsibility for any subsequent minor changes to the strategy be delegated to the Head of Economic Development and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economic Development.

3. That Cabinet, subject to DEFRA’s agreement to work in partnership with REAF to progress the Strategy’s recommendations, supports the creation of the new REAF group in line with the Strategy and also supports the Group’s efforts to secure external funding to progress implementation of the strategy.
Reason for Decision
The UK’s withdrawal from the CFP presented a potential opportunity for future significant growth in the UK fishing industry. More locally there was an opportunity for Lowestoft to reposition itself as a regional hub for all aspects of the fisheries supply chain and by endorsing this strategy and the recommendations within it ESC and the REAF partnership could begin to influence government policy so that such opportunities could be realised. This would then further complement the ambitious growth and development plans ESC had for the port based around the offshore energy and marine sectors.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
The other option would have been to not endorse the strategy. To do so would have meant that the local fishing industry, the district and wider region could miss out on significant business and employment growth and Lowestoft could lose the opportunity to re-establish itself as a major regional fishing hub.
Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

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Overview and Scrutiny

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 16.
18/09/2019 12:21:26Maxine GreenBusiness Item Created 
18/09/2019 12:21:26Maxine GreenCommittee AddedCabinet
18/09/2019 12:21:26Maxine GreenMeeting Added01/10/2019 6:30PM
18/09/2019 12:31:22Maxine GreenGeneral Details Edited 
18/09/2019 15:26:24 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/0157)
18/09/2019 15:26:24Maxine GreenStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
18/09/2019 15:26:28Maxine GreenGeneral Details Edited 
18/09/2019 15:26:56Maxine GreenGeneral Details Edited 
18/09/2019 15:46:18Katherine AbbottGeneral Details Edited 
20/09/2019 14:35:02Matt MakinReport AddedDocument ID 2927: ES-0157 - Renaissance in East Anglia Fishing Strategy


No history found.