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Business Item
Proposed extension of the Leiston Together Initiative
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 1 Oct 2019
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economic Development and the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Communities, Leisure & Tourism, respectively
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
To approve an extension of the Leiston Together partnership for a further two years and funding of £72,000 (£36,000 per annum) towards a new funding agreement, hopefully to be matched by funding of £4,000 from Leiston cum Sizewell Town Council.
Service Area
Economic Development & Regeneration
Service Area 2
Contact for Background Papers:
Nicole Rickard, Head of Communities
Background Papers:
Not applicable
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made
That an extension of the Leiston Together partnership for a further two years from January 2020 be approved and that funding of up to £80,000 (£40,000 per annum) towards a new funding agreement be provided.
Reason for Decision
The Leiston Together Partnership was established to tackle a range of socio-economic challenges identified within the 2015 Our Place Review and whilst the partnership had co-ordinated and enabled a wide range of actions to tackle these challenges and indeed seize a number of opportunities to secure external funding, this was due to having a dedicated Change Manager in place.  The proposed extension to the funding for Leiston Together would allow the continuation of this co-ordination and enabling role in relation to a refreshed delivery plan and the ongoing challenges facing the town in the context of the Sizewell C new nuclear development and the creation of the new Community Partnership for Aldeburgh, Leiston and Saxmundham.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Three options to extend the current Leiston Together funding agreement were considered, as set out below:

A new 3 year programme (Jan 2020 – December 2022), which would provide a significant amount of time to deliver against all the priorities in the new delivery plan and ensure sustainability for those longer term activities. This would also replicate the length of the initial agreement and be in line with the extension the Felixstowe Forward partnership received in 2018 and the six year funding period for Lowestoft Rising. There would, however, be a long period of cross over with new CP for the area and not provide an early opportunity to have a full review the future of LT in light of the development of the new CP. 

A new 2 year programme (Jan 2020 – December 2021), which was recommended by the LT board. The board recognised there had been significant investment to date and felt that a further 2 years would provide adequate time to deliver against the priorities in the new plan and enable them to ensure sustainability of ongoing projects.

A 15 month extension (Jan 2020 – March 2021) which would allow some further progress against the new delivery plan but also allow a review of the future of the partnership to take place at a time when the CP for the area is becoming embedded and there is a clear plan is in place, albeit for a much wider area. This would then provide an opportunity for an assessment of both plans to ensure they remain complementary.

A further option would have been to provide no further funding beyond December 2019. The Leiston Together Board could continue but would have no dedicated staff to co-ordinate and enable ongoing and future delivery plan actions. The Board itself strongly felt that there was still significant work to be done and that it would be detrimental to the Council’s relationship with the local community and its representatives for the funding partnership to end now, particularly in the context of Sizewell C.

Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

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Aldeburgh and Leiston


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Overview and Scrutiny

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 16.
18/09/2019 12:38:26Maxine GreenBusiness Item Created 
18/09/2019 12:38:26Maxine GreenCommittee AddedCabinet
18/09/2019 12:38:26Maxine GreenMeeting Added01/10/2019 6:30PM
18/09/2019 12:39:29Maxine GreenWard AddedAldeburgh and Leiston
18/09/2019 13:04:48Maxine GreenGeneral Details Edited 
18/09/2019 15:30:07 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/0158)
18/09/2019 15:30:07Maxine GreenStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
18/09/2019 15:30:17Maxine GreenGeneral Details Edited 
18/09/2019 16:04:02Katherine AbbottGeneral Details Edited 
20/09/2019 14:39:05Matt MakinReport AddedDocument ID 2930: ES-0158 - Proposed Extension of the Leiston Together Initiative


No history found.