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Business Item
2024/25 Q1 Financial Performance Report
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 9 Jul 2024
Show on Forward Plan

Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Resources and Value for Money

Matter for Decision (to consider...)

The  report provides an overview of Council’s Financial performance, comparing the actual expenditure and income position at Quarter 1 (April – May 2024), to the approved General Fund budget for 2024/25 for both Revenue and Capital. Information provided also includes an estimated full year forecast for 2024/25. 


The report provides a summary of the Housing Revenue Account’s (HRA) Revenue and Capital Position at the end of May 2024, which includes a forecast position of reserves.   

The report summarises details of the key risks highlighted within 2024/25, which may lead to future General Fund and HRA financial challenges over the duration of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).  

Service Area
Financial Services, Corporate Performance & Risk Management
Service Area 2
Contact for Background Papers:

Danielle Patterson

Background Papers:
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made
  1. That the Council’s financial position for the period April – May 2024 against the profiled General Fund budget, and the forecast position for the end of the year be noted. 
  2. That the approved budget change variations following the original 2024/25 budget approval in February 2024 and the impact on the General fund for 2024/25 be noted. 
  3. That the areas of financial challenge for the current year and the Medium-Term Financial Strategy be noted.
Reason for Decision
Timely and regular monitoring of the Council’s budgets is a key part of ensuring the Council’s activities remain sustainable and deliver value for money.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
In year quarterly monitoring provides an overview of the Council’s financial position for the period April to May 2024, capturing approved budget changes in the year to date. No further approval is required, but note should be taken of the key impacts and forecast changes which may impact the overall outturn position the 2024/25 and 
budget setting for 2025/26.
Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Aldeburgh and Leiston; Beccles and Worlingham; Bungay and Wainford; Carlford and Fynn Valley; Carlton and Whitton; Carlton Colville; Deben; Eastern Felixstowe; Framlingham; Gunton and St Margarets; Halesworth and Blything; Harbour and Normanston; Kelsale and Yoxford; Kesgrave; Kessingland; Kirkley and Pakefield; Lothingland; Martlesham and Purdis Farm; Melton; Orwell and Villages; Oulton Broad; Rendlesham and Orford; Rushmere St Andrew; Saxmundham; Southwold; Western Felixstowe; Wickham Market; Woodbridge; Wrentham, Wangford and Westleton


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 5, items 1 to 10 of 41.
25/06/2024 14:48:08Lorraine FitchBusiness Item Created 
25/06/2024 14:48:08Lorraine FitchCommittee AddedCabinet
25/06/2024 14:48:08Lorraine FitchMeeting Added09/07/2024 6:00PM
25/06/2024 14:49:12 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/2013)
25/06/2024 14:49:12Lorraine FitchStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
25/06/2024 14:51:00Lorraine FitchWard AddedAldeburgh and Leiston
25/06/2024 14:51:00Lorraine FitchWard AddedBeccles and Worlingham
25/06/2024 14:51:00Lorraine FitchWard AddedBungay and Wainford
25/06/2024 14:51:00Lorraine FitchWard AddedCarlford and Fynn Valley
25/06/2024 14:51:00Lorraine FitchWard AddedCarlton and Whitton


No history found.