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Business Item
East Suffolk Council Policy for new 3G Artificial Grass Pitches
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision
Tue 5 Nov 2024
Show on Forward Plan
Report of the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Communities, Culture, Leisure and Tourism 
Matter for Decision (to consider...)

To provide Cabinet with information about 3G Artificial Grass pitches (AGP‘s) used for sport purposes and to set out a proposed policy for adoption by East Suffolk Council (ESC) for funding applications to support new facilities in light of concerns about the environmental impact of these pitches. 

Service Area
Service Area 2
Economic Development & Regeneration
Contact for Background Papers:
Background Papers:
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made

That Cabinet:

1. Approved the adoption of the East Suffolk Council Policy for new Artificial Grass Pitches (Appendix A) to guide decision making on funding requests for 3G Artificial Grass Pitches 

2. Supported the policy being reviewed and revised when the DEFRA Report and findings are released, expected in Spring 2025.

Reason for Decision

Leisure Officers recommend the adoption and implementation of the East Suffolk Council 3G Artificial Grass Pitch Policy so that requests for new AGP’s utilising Council funding or land will be required to meet the criteria set out in the ESC policy for new AGP’s. This will ensure that new facilities that are supported with funding in the district will have reduced environmental impact (potentially 98% mitigation), be financially sustainable and robust
plans to show community benefit and increased participation. 

That the policy is revised when the DEFRA Report and findings are released, expected in Spring 2025. 

AGP’s are a valuable community sports and leisure asset that can support both sports clubs and health benefits through opportunities for increased participation and can lessen the journey numbers and times for teams, therefore reducing carbon emissions). 

However, the balance between community sport facility benefits and opportunities and the environmental issues need to be balanced. These facilities, whilst they can raise income, there is a significant cost to maintaining the pitches and having a sinking fund for the surface when it requires replacing, (this is currently calculated as circa £30,000 per annum). Therefore, having these criteria as a policy for both agreeing to facilities on ESC owned land and for funding requests to support the building of these facilities means that public funds are protected, and environmental mitigation is ensured. 

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Do something: To adopt and support the implementation of the policy and to revise this when clear guidance and recommendations are in place to ensure all possible mitigations are taken to both prevent environmental impacts and support community sport provision.

Do nothing: It is an option to ‘do nothing’ and wait until the DEFRA review and the expected direction and recommendations for future facilities.

Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

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Overview and Scrutiny

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 18.
22/10/2024 16:25:12Lorraine FitchBusiness Item Created 
22/10/2024 16:25:12Lorraine FitchCommittee AddedCabinet
22/10/2024 16:25:12Lorraine FitchMeeting Added05/11/2024 6:00PM
22/10/2024 16:27:41Lorraine FitchStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
22/10/2024 16:27:41 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/2143)
24/10/2024 11:09:48Lorraine FitchGeneral Details Edited 
24/10/2024 11:14:00Lorraine FitchGeneral Details Edited 
24/10/2024 16:16:47Alli StoneReport AddedDocument ID 30068: ES-2143 Appendix A
24/10/2024 16:16:51Alli StoneReport AddedDocument ID 30069: ES-2143 Appendix B
24/10/2024 16:16:56Alli StoneReport AddedDocument ID 30070: ES-2143 East Suffolk Council Policy for new 3G Artificial Grass Pitches


No history found.