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Business Item
Mid-Year Budget Monitoring Report 2024/25 (Southwold Harbour and Caravan Site)
Date of Decision
Tue 3 Dec 2024
Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Corporate Services – Digital, Customer Services, HR and Assets
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
To provide an overview of financial performance for Southwold Harbour and the Caravan and Campsite for the first half of 2024/25, covering the period from April to August.
Service Area
Financial Services, Corporate Performance & Risk Management
Service Area 2
Not Applicable
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made
1. Noted the financial performance of Southwold Harbour and the Caravan and Campsite up to 30 August 2024 at Appendix A;
2. Approved the forecast year-end financial position for 2024/25.
3. Considered any necessary actions to mitigate variances or improve financial performance.
Reason for Decision
The report provided Cabinet with an overview of financial performance for Southwold Harbour and the Caravan and Campsite for the first half of 2024/25, covering the period from April to August. The report compared actual income and expenditure against approved budgets and forecasts year-end projections. The report was approved unanimously by SHMC on the 14 November 2024.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
1. Continue to monitor expenditure variances, especially on supplies and services.
2. Introduce controls to mitigate further overspending and ensure balanced year-end performance.
Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted
Decision Criteria
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This Decision does not contain any Topic records
Overview and Scrutiny
This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.
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Decision History
21/11/2024 17:27:57 | Lorraine Fitch | Business Item Created | |
21/11/2024 17:27:57 | Lorraine Fitch | Committee Added | Cabinet |
21/11/2024 17:27:57 | Lorraine Fitch | Meeting Added | 03/12/2024 6:00PM |
21/11/2024 17:28:11 | | General Details Edited | Reference Number Generated (ES/2178) |
21/11/2024 17:28:11 | Lorraine Fitch | Status Changed | Decision Proposed [2] |
21/11/2024 17:28:41 | Lorraine Fitch | Ward Added | Southwold |
21/11/2024 17:29:54 | Lorraine Fitch | General Details Edited | |
25/11/2024 10:45:29 | Alli Stone | General Details Edited | |
25/11/2024 11:38:35 | Alli Stone | Report Added | Document ID 30601: ES-2178 Appendix A |
25/11/2024 11:38:39 | Alli Stone | Report Added | Document ID 30602: ES-2178 Appendix B |
No history found.