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Business Item
Lake Lothing Third Crossing – Land and works agreement between East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Andrew Jarvis
Date of Decision
Thu 7 Apr 2022
Show on Forward Plan
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
Authority to legally complete a land and works agreement between East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council in relation to the Lake Lothing Third Crossing in accordance with the officer delegated authority provided under Cabinet decision 13 March 2019.
Service Area
Service Area 2
Not Applicable
Contact for Background Papers:
Not applicable
Background Papers:
Not applicable
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made

The provision of Asset Management is a service and function which falls within the Cabinet’s responsibilities (Part 2, Functions and Responsibilities: Section D, paragraph 3, Cabinet Responsibilities (table) of the Constitution refers).

(Note: Each Cabinet Member is responsible for all the types of decisions which sit within their portfolio, unless certain conditions in Part 2, Functions and Responsibilities: Section D, paragraph 5, Discharging Cabinet Functions: Discharge by Individual Cabinet Members (paragraph 5.2) of the Constitution apply. None of those conditions apply, and so this decision falls within the Resources portfolio, held by Councillor Maurice Cook. 

However, Part 2, Functions and Responsibilities: Section D, paragraph 5, Discharging Cabinet Functions: Discharge by Officers (paragraph 5.1) of the Constitution provides that unless a function is reserved to Members, or the Leader of the Council has given notice that the decision will be taken by a Member, all decisions in relation to the discharge of Cabinet functions are delegated to Officers in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation to Officers. This is to ensure that decisions of the Council are taken at the most appropriate level and in a timely manner.

The decision to enter in to this agreement is not one which has been reserved to Members, nor is it one that the Leader has given notice of, that it shall be made by a Member.

As a Strategic Director under Part 2, Functions and Responsibilities: Section E, Scheme of Delegation to Officers, paragraph 6, Cascade of Powers (paragraph 6.3) of the Constitution, I have delegated authority to make this decision, and I am a suitably qualified and competent Officer to do so.

Under Part 2, Functions and Responsibilities: Section E, Scheme of Delegation to Officers, paragraph 10, Authorising Expenditure and Signing and Sealing Agreements (paragraph 10.1(b))  of the Constitution, I must consult with the relevant Portfolio Holder. The Cabinet Decision 13 March 2019 also required me to consult with the Cabinet Member for ResourcesI consulted with Councillor Maurice Cook on 20 December 2021 who has approved the proposed action.   

Given the above, I have decided to enter in to this agreement with Suffolk County Council in respect of land and works connected to the Lake Lothing Third  Crossing.


Reason for Decision

Completion of the proposed agreement would strongly support delivery of the Strategic Plan priorities and is in line with the Cabinet decision 13 March 2019.

The agreement will facilitate and support Suffolk County Council in progressing the Lake Lothing Third Crossing.

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable 
Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Not applicable
Any Dispensation Granted
Not applicable

Decision Criteria

Delegated Officer Decision


Kirkley and Pakefield


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Overview and Scrutiny

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 1, items 1 to 6 of 6.
20/04/2022 15:44:35Tony RuddBusiness Item Created 
20/04/2022 15:44:35Tony RuddWard AddedKirkley and Pakefield
20/04/2022 15:44:35Tony RuddDecision Criteria AddedDelegated Officer Decision
29/04/2022 13:53:05 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/1132)
29/04/2022 13:53:05Karen CookStatus ChangedImplemented [7]
29/04/2022 13:53:19Karen CookGeneral Details Edited 


No history found.