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Business Item
East Suffolk Council
Is a Key Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Heather Fisk
Date of Decision
Wed 22 Dec 2021
Show on Forward Plan
In August 2021 the Suffolk Councils were awarded Government Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery (GHG-LAD) funding to support energy efficiency improvements for low income households living in homes with poor energy ratings – demonstrated by an Energy Performance Certificate of E, F or G. East Suffolk had identified a number of park homes on the Falcon site at Martlesham which met the eligibility criteria and were occupied by elderly households in receipt of means tested benefits. The homes were surveyed by Cornerstone Ltd, the contractor working on the site and provisionally agreed for the grant. Before the installations could be done the rules on how park home insulation must be applied were changed, making it necessary to supply under floor insulation as well as wall insulation. This added an extra cost of £5000 per van taking it above the maximum grant limit of £10,000. The residents were not in a position to pay this extra £5000 funding and the works were initially cancelled. In reviewing the situation it was recognised that if the residents lived in a traditional home then they could apply for a minor works grant for this top C:\Users\JJonas\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\RXLW17YO\Decision Notice Falcon Park.doc up funding but park home residents do not own the land on which the van is sited and therefore the usual Deed that lodges the 5 year repayment condition cannot be applied. It is how ever possible to use an unsecured deed and then these low income vulnerable residents, living in some of our poorer accommodation, can be treated equally to those living in bricks and mortar. Applications for this top up funding have been made by 6 residents and works can start imminently if a minor variation to policy can be agreed. The implications for the budget are £30,000 of expenditure which can be met from the funds available.
Matter for Decision (to consider...)
In consultation with the Cabinet member for Housing, to allow for a variation in minor works grant policy to allow the approval of 6 minor works grants for park home insulation. 
Service Area
Housing Operations & Landlord Services
Service Area 2
Housing Operations & Landlord Services
Contact for Background Papers:
Teresa Howarth
Background Papers:
Is Decision District Wide
Decision Made
Reason for Decision
Appropriate extension of policy so as not to prejudice park home owners
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Funding refused – vulnerable residents continue to live in cold energy inefficient park at a time of rising energy prices and miss out of £10,000 of Government funding.
Any Declarations of Interest Declared
Any Dispensation Granted

Decision Criteria

Delegated Officer Decision


Martlesham and Purdis Farm


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Overview and Scrutiny

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 1, items 1 to 5 of 5.
31/12/2021 13:28:14Teresa HowarthBusiness Item Created 
31/12/2021 13:28:14Teresa HowarthWard AddedMartlesham and Purdis Farm
31/12/2021 13:28:14Teresa HowarthDecision Criteria AddedDelegated Officer Decision
17/03/2022 15:23:48 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (ES/1013)
17/03/2022 15:23:48Karen CookStatus ChangedImplemented [7]


No history found.